Welcome to Mr. Waller’s Science Class
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
  - Albert Einstein
Waller World Science
Greetings Parents and Students,
Welcome Back Parents....finally! Yay, we are back to school and I cannot be more excited I am optimistic that your child will have a great year in my science class . We will navigate our way through this changed world we now live in safely and thoughtfully. Â
As I begin teaching science this year I will be meeting the health guidelines set forth by the Fremont Unified School District to safeguard students and staff from COVID exposure. I am taking precautions that are feasible and reasonable. I will do my best.
I will be using Google Classroom this year for all communication. I will have my classrooms up and ready after Labor Day. I will put links on this website for signing up for google classroom. As for assignment work on Google Classroom, I am not planning to do so at this time. However as the year progresses this might change. I will keep you informed.
This is the beginning of my 23rd year teaching in Fremont schools and my 4th year teaching at Azevada. I have taught every grade except for Kindergarten in my teaching career. I believe that this gives me a unique experience when it comes to meeting the needs of my science students. I know where they are headed so I have a very good idea about the foundation that they will need in the future. I want them to be prepared and enthusiastic about thinking like a scientist.
So let's try and have a great year. Stay Happy and Healthy.
Jeffrey Waller
District Email: Â jwaller@fusdk12.net
(510) 657-3900 extension 21025