Brookvale Elementary MAZE Day Information and Updates
Dear Brookvale Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Below are some important reminders.
Aeries Parent Portal: All Parents/Guardians should have received emails from FUSD in July with directions to activate the new Aeries Parent Portal. Parents/Guardians will use the Portal to complete the annual MAZE process, called Parent Data Confirmation in Aeries. This Parent Data Confirmation must be completed by Parents/Guardians before students can view their class schedule. The window will close on August 4, 2024. If you missed the previous communication sent out by FremontUSD, please check your inbox and spam folder. If you are unable to locate the email, you can retrieve your access by clicking on this link:, entering the email associated with your student’s profile and selecting “Forgot Password”. This will generate an email to your address with the verification code needed to login to the Aeries Parent Portal. If you have moved from Fremont and will no longer be attending Brookvale, please call or email our office so we can update your enrollment information.
School Office: Our main office opens for the 2024-2025 school year on Tuesday, August 6th and office hours will be 7:45am – 3:00pm daily.
The Brookvale Website continues to be the source of the most up to date information throughout the school year.
First Day of School August 14th: Please note the new start time! Students are expected to be lined up in front of their classrooms by 8:10am and in their classroom and ready to learn by 8:15am.
The first three days of school are minimum days: 8/14, 8/15 and 8/16
TK: 8:15 – 11:45
Kindergarten: 8:15 – 11:41
Grades 1-5: 8:15 – 1:15
Please click the links to view the Brookvale Bell Schedule and the 2024-2025 School Year Instructional Calendar. Tip: Print and post on your refrigerator at home for easy reference!
Attendance: All students are expected to be in attendance on the first day of school or risk being dropped from enrollment. Parents must notify the school that their child is absent in order to keep their enrollment at FUSD. Enrollment will not be held for students on extended vacations or other optional activities, whether or not the school is notified.
To report an absence: 510-797-5940 option 7
Main office: 510-797-5940
Jennifer Mehta, School Secretary:
Roxanna Ramirez-Mitchell, Attendance Clerk:
Malinda Elliott, Principal:
Back to School Night August 27th: More information about Back to School Night will be emailed out after school begins.
Helpful Links:
2024-2025 Brookvale Supply Lists
Brookvale Parent/Student Handbook
2024-2025 Enrollment and Registration Information
Adventure Time – Brookvale’s On-Campus Daycare: Adventure Time is now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year. They are located on the Brookvale campus and offer before and after school daycare to Brookvale students only. To register, please contact them at 510-658-7412 or 510-797-5180.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together we can make this school year a memorable one for our students! GO BRONCOS!
Malinda Elliott