Parking, Pickup and Dropoff

Gomes has drop-off zones on Lemos Lane and Las Palmas Ave (see map below). Our students are safest within these zones. Parking is not allowed in these zones at any time leaving your vehicle within these zones impedes the smooth flow of traffic. If your child is not present in the waiting area, please drive around the loop and re-enter the line.

Parents who wish to walk their children to their classrooms should park in the lot across from the baseball field. You must enter the Las Palmas Ave entrance to get to this lot. The Gomes Parking Lot Safety Team appreciates your continued cooperation in its quest to make our lots safe for all of our children.

Please drive with consideration in school zones. The speed limit is 15MPH in school zones and 5MPH on the Gomes campus. Effective July 1st, 2003, traffic penalties in Fremont are doubled for speeding and other traffic violations in school zones. Warning signs are being installed and police will be enforcing the new rules vigorously.

Please obey the parent and student crossing guards. If you do not follow their directions, your license plate number will be recorded and reported in the Parent Bulletin and the Gomes web site home page. Repeated offenses may result in a report to the Fremont Police Department.


If you are walking to school:

  • Cross the street at crosswalks with guards only. Don't teach your child to break laws by crossing in the middle of the street.
  • Please let the guards do their job; cross only when the guard says to cross.

If you are driving to school:

  • Enter the Las Palmas or Lemos loops through the entrances only, as indicated in the map above.
  • Pull as far forward as possible in the drop-off zones so the maximum number of cars can unload at the same time.
  • Drivers, stay in your car! Safety Patrol will help your child with doors and backpacks.
  • Drive only in a single-file line. Do not attempt to pass the car in front of you if you are done unloading first.
  • Let your child out of the car in the drop-off zone on the school side only so that they don't have to cross in front of your car or the car behind you.
  • Don't stop and wait for your child in the loading/unloading area. If your child is not there, immediately go around again until they are there.
  • Let the buses get in and out of the Lemos loop as quickly as possible. They have the right of way.
  • Don't drop your child off in the middle of the street; this is illegal and dangerous.
  • Kindergarten Parents: You cannot park at the unloading curb in front of the kindergarten fence to walk your child to the classroom, nor can you get out of your car to pick them up. You may only stop to let them out of, or into, your car. Otherwise park in the parent parking area and walk with them from, or to, their classroom. Traffic must keep moving in the Lemos drop-off area.

If you are parking at Gomes:

  • Only park in designated areas for parents as indicated in the map above. Do not park in the staff parking areas also noted in the map. There is very limited parking inside the school grounds.
  • You may park on the area streets, but not at the white curbs that are for unloading and loading only.

Driving in School Zones:

  • Don't go through a crosswalk when there are children or guards still in the crosswalk. Wait until all of them are on the sidewalks.
  • Don't make illegal U-turns. All U-turns are illegal when there is even one car within 200 feet of you.
  • Don't stop, load or unload, or park at the red curb. This also applies to the blue handicapped curb unless you have a handicapped sticker or placard.

Please drive with consideration for others. The safety of Gomes students depends on it!