A large amount of scientific research has proven detrimental impacts
of excessive digital screen usage on children's development including
reduced IQ and much higher rates of significant behavioral and health issues.
The consensus among recognized pediatric health agencies including the
World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) is that statistically significant "screen damage" is clearly measured in children under 5 with total digital media usage (including all types of devices, such as TV, phone, tablet, computer, video game) above 1 hour per day and similarly in children under 10 with digital media usage above 2 hours per day.
Many sources therefore recommend a lower target of 1 hour per day down to
zero for infants to avoid these health issues.
More practically, here are several recommended things that parents and
families can do to reduce harmfulness of screen usage.
-Limit digital screen time to about 1 hour per day (less for children under 5)
-Keep digital screen devices out of the children's bedrooms. That will help to reduce usage time and to prevent browsing of inappropriate content without parents' knowledge.
-Do not allow digital screen device usage in the morning before school day starts. Let the children have morning routines peacefully, and
wake up their minds by chatting with them.
-At night, unplug digital devices at least 1 hour before scheduled bedtime. That helps the children to sleep on time and sleep better.
-Digital devices should not be used for multi-tasking. For example, do not use the devices during meals, homework, and family discussions.
For further information, among a long list of books available for this topic, we
recommend 'Screen Damage' by Michel Desmurget to all parents.
Information shared by Gina Zhang, SSC Parent Representative