Student Resources

Mental Health and Wellness:
1.Wondermind is a free online newsletter published by Selena Gomez and her team which aims to provide advice and strategies to help people be mentally healthy.

2.Suicide and Crisis Lifeline-988:  The Lifeline is a United States-based suicide prevention network of 161 crisis centers that provides a 24/7, toll-free hotline available to anyone in

3. Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio 24/7 ………………………..……. 1-888-628-9454

4. Crisis Support Services of Alameda County 24/7 ………………..…….. 1-800-309-2131

5. Childhelp® Child Abuse Prevention 24/7 ……………………..…………1-800-4-A-CHILD

6National Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7 ……………………..……….. 1-800-799-7233

7Trevor Project (Crisis Line for LGBTQ+ youth) 24/7 …………..………… 1-866-488-73868.

8.Trans Lifeline: 7am-2am ………………………………………..……...… 1-877-565-8860

Trans and questioning folx can call and talk to a trans person

9. Child Mind Institute's Youtube Channel features tons of video geared toward junior high and high school students on relaxation skills, managing intense feelings, and learning about different mental health conditions.

Text for Support:

1. Crisis Text Line 24/7 - Text HOME to 741741

2Para español 24/7 - Textea AYUDA al 741741

3. Alameda County Teen Text Line 4pm-11pm, all 7 days - Text SAFE to 20121

Para español: 5pm-9pm, Martes - Viernes - Textea SEGURO al 20121

4. Trevor Project Textline (LGBTQ+ youth) 24/7 - Text START to 678678

5. Trevor Chat (LGBTQ+ youth) 24/7 - Click link for instant messaging

Academic Help:

1. Khan Academy: free educational videos on virtually every academic subject

2. Evernote: app used for organizing notes, appointments, etc

Friendship and Relationship Help:

1. 5 Tips for Assertive Communication

2. Love is Respect has a hotline and website aimed at helping young adults learn about healthy relationships. Their hotline is 1-866-331-9474.