Yearbooks on Sale Now!

Yearbooks are On Sale!

Special Offer now through February 14th

Get the yearbook and add Free Love Lines for $25


February 15th – March 27th 

Yearbook $28

Add on Love Lines for $2


Love Lines are messages from the parents and guardians to their child.  We have a special spot designated in the yearbook to display these messages.


Parents can get to the order site using the following link.  Please enter the following school code and register an account.

School Code: 233961

Yearbook Orders


Share your photos with us.  Send us your students First Day of School, Spirit Week, and Special Event photos!  Include some fun candid photos at school too!  We love to see them and will do our best to add them to the yearbook!  The following link will allow you to upload your photos directly to the yearbook website for Millard.

Photos for Yearbook