Mindfulness is the ability to fully be aware in the present moment and engaged in what is happening. When we are aware of our surroundings, we are not reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. When we practice mindfulness, we are able to focus and attend to our emotions as well as feel compassion and empathy. Mindfulness practices can also help us deal with tough emotions and replace impulsive reactions with thoughtful responses. I encourage you to spend some time and incorporate mindfulness into your family’s routine. Below are some guided mindfulness practices you can enjoy as a family.
Mindfulness Everyday
Mind Yeti
What Is Mindfulness? - YouTube
Get Your Mind Ready with Mind Yeti - YouTube
Hello Gratitude Listen - YouTube
MyLife Meditation
Mindful Breathing Meditation (5 Minutes) - YouTube
Body Scan Meditation (Tame Anxiety) - YouTube
Mindful Eating (Healthy Habit) - YouTube
Engaging Your Senses Meditation (Relieve Stress) - YouTube
The Mental Health Teacher
Rainbow Relaxation: Mindfulness for Children - YouTube
Belly Breathing: Mindfulness for Children - YouTube
Thought Bubbles! Mindfulness for Children. (thought awareness) - YouTube
Bubble Bounce! Mindfulness for Children (Mindful Looking) - YouTube