Parkmont Panther Update 2–07-25

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Parkmont Update
Week of 2-7-25
Hello Parkmont Panther Families
Welcome to this week's edition of the Parkmont Update! We're excited to share the latest happenings and updates from our school community to keep you informed and engaged.
Main entrance
A circle of friends.
Panther News and Updates
Hello Parkmont Community,

I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is at the end of this week. Where is the time going? Although sometimes Valentine’s Day may seem like a big hassle, it is also a time to encourage kindness and inclusivity in classrooms and in the school.  It’s a great day to remind students Valentine’s Day is for every heart that beats with kindness. Whether with friends or family, it’s a day filled with love.

Just some reminders about Valentine's Day:
  • If students bring valentines, they must bring one for every classmate to ensure inclusivity. 
  • We discourage large gifts (balloons, etc.)
  • Individually wrapped candy is Ok only with teacher permission, we must be very vigilant regarding nut allergies. 
  • Store-bought, individually wrapped treats  are allowed if requested by the teacher, but require ingredient labels and must be “nut free”. 

On Thursday, (2/13) from 2:45-3:45PM we invite you to the MUR to see our Panther's wonderful Science projects. Winners will not be announced until Friday.

Have a great week,

Walt Lewis, Principal
Dates to Remember

  • 2/12 - Early Wednesday: Kinder 11:31a.m., 1-3rd 1:09 p.m., and 4-5th 1:13 p.m. (TK No Change)
  • 2/13 - Parkmont Science Fair Open for Community Viewing (2:45-3:45)
  • 2/17 - President's Day, No School
  • 2/18 Founder's Day (6:00-7:00)
  • 2/18 PTA Meeting (7:00-8:00PM)
  • 2/19 - School Site Council meeting (5-6PM)
  • 2/19 Early Wednesday: Kinder 11:31a.m., 1-3rd 1:09 p.m., and 4-5th 1:13 p.m. (TK No Change)
  • 2/20 - Basketball Game at Cabrillo
  • 2/24 - Basketball Game at Parkmont
  • 2/25 - Centerville Middle School Visit for Grade 5 (1:15)
  • 2/25 PTA Science Night #1 (6:00-8:00PM)
  • 2/26 - Early Wednesday: Kinder 11:31a.m., 1-3rd 1:09 p.m., and 4-5th 1:13 p.m. (TK No Change)
  • 2/26 PTA Science Night #2 (6:00-8:00pm)
  • 2/28 Lunch with Your Child Grade K-1st (reschedule) (11:15)
Example calendar with dates pinned
Important Information

Join the PTA:
Our PTA does amazing work to support ALL students at Parkmont. Let's all join this wonderful organization as part of the membership drive. Classes with the most PTA memberships will get a prize! PTA Membership Flyer

Science Fair

The MUR will be open from 2:45-3:45PM on February 13th for our Parkmont community to view projects. Science project winners will be announced February 14th.

Soccer Try Outs
Soccer season is coming up soon for Parkmont. Attached here are the flyers for Trying Out. Just a reminder in order to try out, students must have their physicals completed. Ms. Wilson will collect physicals on Feb. 26.

K/1 Lunch with Your Child

We have rescheduled the rained out K/1 Lunch with your child. We will be having K/1 Lunch with Your Child on 2/28/25 at 11:15AM. All other Lunch with Your Child Dates will need to shift. We will send out a message regarding changes to these dates.
Founders Day
Founder's Day
Founders’ Day (February 17) is when we celebrate the legacy and work of our PTA founders—Alice McLellan Birney, Phoebe Apperson Hearst and Selena Sloan Butler—to better the lives of every child in education, health and safety. It is a time to reflect and take pride in our achievements, and renew our commitment to be a:
  • powerful voice for all children;
  • relevant resources for parents; and
  • strong advocate for public education.

Founder's day for our school is on 02/18/2025. On this day we honor our volunteers, teachers and administrators - without whom our PTA cannot function.

Special awards are awarded to people who have contributed to our PTA greatly. Please join us at 7PM on 2/18/25 in the Multi Purpose room.
School Accountability Report Card
Federal and state laws require school districts to make accountability reports available to the public online. Accountability report information is based on data and information from the previous year. Dates will run one year behind.
We are pleased to inform you that our district's School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are available in English, Spanish, and/or Chinese, as required. You may view the SARCs on the Fremont Unified School District website at, or you may obtain a hard copy by visiting Parkmont's school office.  To answer any questions regarding the SARCs, there are designated personnel available at each school site.
For more information about SARC requirements, see the California Department of Education (CDE) SARC web page at
How to Set Upo Your Child for Success Flyer
Parent Workshop Opportunity
Irvington elementary Counselors and Basant Now are presenting a workshop entitled, "How to Set Your Child Up for Success" on February 27th, Parent Workshop Flyer Please see flyer for details.
Yearbook Sales Flyer
Ordering Yearbooks
There's still time to order your yearbook!

Volunteers and Field Trip Assistance
We love and really appreciate our school volunteers! Please remember that all FUSD school volunteers are required to be cleared through the Civicore approval process each year. You may start that process now so you are cleared and “ready to go” when a volunteer opportunity that you are interested in arises. 

This link is for the FUSD website “Volunteer Opportunities” page. Please click the “Volunteer Opportunities - Civicore” button to begin the clearance process. 
Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links:

  • (510) 793-7492
  • (Proud Parkmont Principal)

Some Parkmont families have asked us who to contact for various school related information:
  • Please email Trudy Wentworth ( for general school business
  • Please email Natalie Gerrie-Sternberg ( for attendance-related business or changes of address. All absences must be reported to the school office no later than 8:30 on the day of the absence. The attendance line is (510)793-7492 EXT 7. This phone system is available 24/7 for your convenience.
  • Please email Erin Alcon ( for questions regarding your CiviCore account (Parent Volunteers).
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