For the safety of our children, please follow these simple traffic rules. Please initial and sign below after you have read and understand parking loop procedures:

  • All cars will need to enter the loop from Mowry, and must turn right onto Parkside towards Acacia St./Paseo. Cars will NOT be permitted to enter the loop by turning left off of Parkside.
  • The Main Office loop at the front of the school will no longer be utilized by anyone other than Staff.
  • Please pull all the way forward to the drop-off sign to ensure more cars can drop students off expediently.
  • Students must be able to exit and enter the vehicle without assistance. Do NOT exit your vehicle to open the door for your child.
  • Do NOT store backpacks in the trunk, this is dangerous for students and holds up the traffic flow.
  • You will NOT be allowed to wait in the loops for longer than 2 minutes. If your child is not out and ready to be picked up when you arrive, you will be asked to loop around again. Parents of 4-6th grade students cannot stay in their cars in the loop, especially during the 1-3rd grade dismissal.
  • If parked in a visitor spot, please walk your child around using the sidewalk, do NOT cross through the parking lot.
  • Be patient and courteous when using the traffic loop, no honking or yelling please.
  • Please utilize the side streets to park and walk your child onto campus if possible. Additionally, there is a back gate off Peralta and onto Parkmont’s field that can be used as well as a side gate near the 5/6th grade playground that can be used for students arrive to school by foot/bike.
  • If you are interested in helping the Junior Safety Patrol program as an adult supervisor (so we can get the program up and running), please ask the office for more information.