MVROP Career Technical Education


The Mission Valley Regional Occupational Program (MVROP) Center


The Mission Valley ROP Annual Showcase will be held on Thursday, 1/30/25 at 6:30 PM in the ROP Center on Stevenson Blvd. Students and parents/guardians are welcome.

Here is the general recruitment presentation for Washington High School: MVROP General Presentation.

Here is the slide deck on medical and health-related courses: MVROP Medical/Health Presentation.

Here is a preview video: MVROP Video



1st day of school for Junior and Senior students: Based on your Maze Day schedule and you are enrolled in one of the MVROP classes, you must attend school at the ROP Center on the first day or you could be dropped from the class.

ROP classes offer you (Junior and Senior students) the opportunity to:

  • Explore career interests.
  • Develop job skills.
  • Learn skills for jobs to help finance higher education.
  • Offer math credit, college credit and job internships in some classes.

Before you sign-up to take an ROP class, think about the following:

  • Grades and units will be negatively affected by missed classes.
  • Most ROP classes are held off campus for two class periods, either periods 1 & 2 (AM block) or 5 & 6 (PM block).
  • Transportation: Bus pick up time from WHS to ROP for periods 1 & 2 classes is 7:50 AM and for periods 5 & 6 classes is 1:30 PM. ROP will provide free bus service back to school after both morning and afternoon classes. Due to the afternoon bus schedule, students must pack a lunch.
  • If you have responsibilities in the late afternoon like sports practice or games, Adult School classes, or a job, it could interfere with afternoon ROP classes that end at 3:45 PM. Bus transportation back to WHS will mean an even later arrival back to campus.
  • Internships: Transportation is the student's responsibility if the internship at another site is required.
  • To avoid being dropped, students must attend the 1st day of class at the MVROP center, which is about a week before FUSD's 1st day. (Please double-check on the MVROP website as the information becomes available.)
  • Students are conditionally enrolled during the first two weeks of classes. Schedules and enrollment become finalized after that time.
  • Once enrolled, this ROP class cannot be dropped for WHS classes.
  • If a ROP class is dropped for any reason, you must replace it with another ROP class.


  • View the ROP catalog online at Mission Valley ROP Courses.
  • 2-period ROP classes outside of WHS are during periods 1 & 2 or 5 & 6 only.
  • Juniors and seniors can take no more than one 1-period and one 2-period ROP courses per year.
  • ROP elective courses are offered to juniors and seniors only (Exceptions: Pharmacy Clerk classes for seniors only. Freshmen & Sophomores can take Beginning Auto at WHS).
  • Seniors have priority registration over juniors. If some classes are over-registered for, juniors might be sent back to the home school site.
  • Typically, there are 4 spots per class section from each high school. Some courses only offer the AM section, while others only the PM section, which vary each year.
  • UC & CSU A-G Courses at Mission Valley ROP: High School Students / A-G Courses
  • College credits and pre-apprenticeships: High School Students / College Credits for MVROP Courses

Career Technical Education (CTE) and

the Mission Valley Regional Occupation Program (MVROP)

Career Technical Education classes (free to FUSD, Newark High and Logan High students) are designed to prepare students for gainful employment in occupations which are needed in California and our community. They are based on the career desires and needs of students. The CA State Department of Education definition of CTE is as follows: Career technical education engages all students in a dynamic and seamless learning experience resulting in their mastery of the career and academic knowledge and skills necessary to become productive contributing members of society. For Washington High School (WHS), CTE courses are offered primarily for juniors and seniors through the Mission Valley Regional Occupation (ROP) program. Some (5) of these courses are offered onsite at WHS, but the majority (20) are offered at the ROP center next to Kennedy High School on the corner of Stevenson Blvd. and Blacow Road. District-provided transportation is offered to and from Washington and the ROP center. For more information about CTE and ROP classes, check Mission Valley ROP or contact Mrs. Ponssen in the WHS College & Career Center at (510)505-7300 x.67243 or  The CA Department of Education California Career Technical Education has additional information.