Board Meeting Highlights: January 17, 2024 (Regular)

See the Meeting Agenda for a full listing of items considered and actions taken at this meeting.

7.1 Superintendent Report

Superintendent CJ Cammack noted this is School Board Recognition Month and thanked the trustees for their service and dedication. On a somber note, Superintendent Cammack shared that former FUSD trustee Jeff Davis recently passed away and offered his condolences.

7.2 Student Member Report

Student Member Ananya Balaji reported that sites are in their second semester, and preparing for future events, such as Prom.

13.1 Thornton Middle School Showcase

Principal Sherry Strausbaugh, the ASB President, and the PTSA President presented the Thornton Showcase to highlight the school's accomplishments, areas of focus, unique characteristics, student perspective, and parent/guardian and community perspective.

16.1 State Budget Update

On January 10, 2024 the Governor announced the State budget proposal for the fiscal year 2024-25; today District staff attended a workshop provided by School Services of California, which highlighted the details of the Governor's proposal.

Associate Superintendent Daniel Hillman provided a 2024-25 Governor's Budget Proposal presentation on the potential impact of the Governor's Proposed Budget to Fremont Unified School District.

16.2 Hindi 1 World Language

Fremont Unified School District has received many families requesting that we offer a new world language program pathway, Hindi world language (WL), as part of the options for students to access within the school district program. Much of the interest has come from families and students at both Irvington High School and also at Horner Middle School.

At the December 13, 2023 Board meeting, staff received direction to explore a pilot program at both Horner Middle School and Irvington High School with some sections of Hindi 1 WL at each school for 2024/2025.

Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Leticia Salinas presented on the proposed Hindi 1 pilot. The Hindi 1 WL pilot will allow for a scaffolded approach towards instituting a sustainable new language pathway.

In a 4-1 vote, the Board approved the Hindi 1 pilot new world language course (Middle School, High School) and approved Hindi 1 world language as part of the 2024/2025 Course Catalog.

16.3 Adoption of Resolution No. 020-2324 Regarding Accounting of Developer Fees for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Pursuant to Government Code Sections 66001(d) and 66006(b)

Government Code sections 66001(d) and 66006(b) require that within 180 days of the close of each fiscal year, school districts that collect school facilities fees (“developer fees”) make available to the public certain information regarding the collection and expenditure of developer fees collected under Education Code section 17620 et seq. and Government Code section 65995 et seq. In accordance with Government Code section 66006(a), the District deposits developer fees (including interest earned) into its Fund 25, Capital Facilities Fund (“Fund”). Each year the Board is required to review certain requisite information regarding the Fund contained in the District's Annual and Five-Year Report (the “Fee Report”).

The District’s fee consultant, Koppel & Gruber, prepared the Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 based on information provided by District staff and in accordance with the statutory requirements of Government Code sections 66001 and 66006. The Fee Report must be reviewed by the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting, at least 15 days after the Fee Report was made available to the public. The proposed Fee Report was made public on December 22, 2023, and notice of the meeting was mailed to those parties who requested such information.

The Board unanimously adopted Resolution No. 020-2324, adopting and approving the proposed Fee Report regarding the District’s Fund 25 for fiscal year 2022-2023.

16.4 Present Sunshine Proposals from Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) and Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) on a successor contract.

The 2021-2024 FUSD/FUDTA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) as well as Government Code, Chapter 10.7, Sections 3540-3549, provide for FUSD and FUDTA to submit sunshine proposals.

FUSD proposes to open and negotiate the Articles outlined in the FUSD-FUDTA Sunshine Proposal.

FUDTA proposes to open and negotiate the Articles outlined in the FUDTA Sunshine Proposal.

The District reserves the right to introduce new subjects of negotiations during the course of bargaining in compliance with the notice requirements of Government Code section 3547(d).

FUSD and FUDTA propose a successor agreement to include the articles in the proposals above for contract negotiations.

The Board unanimously approved the FUSD Sunshine Proposal for a successor agreement.

16.5 Present Sunshine Proposals from Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1021 on a successor contract.

The July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024 FUSD/SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) as well as Government Code, Chapter 10.7 sections 3540-3549 provide for FUSD and SEIU to submit a sunshine proposal for contract bargaining.

FUSD and SEIU propose a successor agreement to include the following articles and for contract negotiating.

FUSD proposes to open and negotiate the Articles outlined in the FUSD-SEIU Sunshine Proposal and reserves the right to add, amend and modify its proposals.

SEIU proposes to open and negotiate all Articles in the CBA, as outlined in the SEIU Sunshine Proposal.

The Board unanimously approved the FUSD Sunshine Proposal for a successor agreement.

16.6 Present Sunshine Proposals from Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) and California School Employees Association (CSEA) on Article reopeners.

The July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025 FUSD/CSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) as well as Government Code, Chapter 10.7 sections 3540-3549 provide for CSEA, Chapter 204 and FUSD to submit reopeners for the contract bargaining.

FUSD proposes to open and negotiate the Articles outlined in the FUSD - CSEA Sunshine Proposal.

CSEA proposes to open and negotiate the Articles outlined in the 204 Fremont Revised Intent to Negotiate.

The District reserves the right to introduce new subjects of negotiations during the course of bargaining in conformance with the notice requirements of Government Code section 3547(d).

The Board unanimously approved Sunshine Proposals from FUSD on Article reopeners.

District Office at sunrise