Education Bond Measure to be Placed on November Ballot

At a meeting on August 5, 2024, the Fremont Unified School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved a resolution to place an education bond measure on the November 2024 ballot.

If approved by Fremont voters this November, the measure would provide a source of local funds to update classrooms, technology and equipment, science and computer labs, and libraries, and make basic repairs to Fremont elementary, middle and high schools, with funding that cannot be taken away by the State.

“The Fremont Unified School District is among the lowest funded districts in Alameda County,” said Superintendent Erik Burmeister. "This measure would provide our local schools a chance to catch up to where other districts are now, and help maintain the district's excellence and status as a destination for families.”

The measure was placed on the ballot after nearly a year of outreach to and feedback from local schools, parents/guardians, teacher groups and community members, whose input guided the development of an updated Long Range Facilities Plan, with a prioritized list of projects that would be addressed by the measure.

“Good schools make strong, desirable communities, whether you have school-age children in the District or not,” continued Burmeister. “We appreciate the feedback we received from our community partners throughout this process, and will continue working to ensure each school has the resources it needs to succeed.”

This measure continues the strict accountability requirements that have previously been approved by voters, including independent citizen oversight, annual audits, and reports to the community to ensure the District uses the funds as promised. By law, no money from this measure can be used for administrator salaries or central administration.

In a recently commissioned independent survey by the District's long term opinion research professional Godbe Research, nearly 62% of respondents indicated they would support an education bond to address the needs of schools in the Fremont Unified School District. The proposed $919,000,000 bond would cost voters 4.9 cents per $100 of assessed valuation.

Click here for a full copy of the Fremont Unified School District measure.

Education Bond Measure to be Placed on November Ballot