Elementary Report Card Information

Fremont Unified School District switched to standards-based report cards in all elementary schools in the 2019-2020 school year. The Report Card Team spent three years designing the new report cards. It helps parents better understand their children's performance at school. Read the Report Card Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below for more information.

Elementary Report Cards

English español 繁體中文
Grade TK grado TK 過渡性幼兒園
Grade K grado K 幼兒園
Grade 1 grado 1 一年級
Grade 2 grado 2 二年級
Grade 3 grado 3 三年級
Grade 4 grado 4 四年級
Grade 5 grado 5 五年級


Dual Immersion Elementary Report Cards

Spanish Dual Immersion (SDI) - Mandarin Immersion Program (MIP)

Grade TK grado TK 過渡性幼兒園 Grade TK grado TK 過渡性幼兒園
Grade K grado K 幼兒園 Grade K grado K 幼兒園
Grade 1 grado 1 一年級 Grade 1 grado 1 一年級
Grade 2 grado 2 二年級 Grade 2 grado 2 二年級
Grade 3 grado 3 三年級 Grade 3 grado 3 三年級
Grade 4 grado 4 四年級 Grade 4 grado 4 四年級
Grade 5 grado 5 五年級 Grade 5 grado 5 五年級


The following questions and responses may be helpful as you review the report card with your child/ren. Thank you for all you do to support your child's learning.


How are the report cards marked?

Performance levels describe your child's performance on each academic standard or skill compared to grade-level expectations at designated times throughout the school year. The levels will help you and your child understand the skills your child has demonstrated, and the skills they have not yet mastered. For grades K-2, teachers use a 3, 2, 1 scale. For grades 3-5, teachers use a 4, 3, 2, 1 scale.

Teachers consider the multiple pieces of evidence they have collected throughout the trimester that show what a student has learned. Using that information, teachers can determine if students are meeting the standards with deep understanding (4), meeting the standards (3), partially meeting the standards (2), or not meeting the standards (1) in all academic areas.

What do the performance levels mean for academic grades?

Grades K-2 Grades 3-5
n/a 4 Standard Met with Deep Understanding. Work is excellent, exceptional, or extended. A student working at a 4 level displays excellent quality, performs with high accuracy, applies the  learning in complex ways, and/or extends the expectations for meeting the grade level standard. A 4  does not mean the student has progressed into the standards for the next grade level.  Level 4 marks are given to grades 3-5 only.
3 3 Standard Met. Work is proficient, consistent, and accurate. A student working at a 3 level displays high quality, performs with accuracy, applies the learning correctly, and/or meets expectations for the grade level standard.
2 2 Standard Partially Met. Work is basic or simple, and may be inconsistent. A student working at a 2 level displays basic quality, performs with inconsistent accuracy, applies the learning at a basic level, and/or approaches the grade level standard but only at the simplest level of content, task, or skill. Additional support may be needed for students performing at this level.
1 1 Standard Not Met. Work at this level is limited or there is insufficient evidence of learning. A student working at a 1 level displays limited quality, performs with little evidence of understanding or limited accuracy, and/or applies learning at a minimal level. Work at this level does not meet expectations for the grade level standard. Additional support is needed for students performing at this level.

Why isn't there an overall grade on the K-5 report cards?

In the past, our report cards reported an overall grade per subject area. The new report cards have been designed to report progress towards achievement of individual California State Standards. In the past, a student may have received a ‘C’ in mathematics based on earning an ‘A’ in one skill and an ‘F’ in another. The overall grade of a ‘C’ averaged multiple standards into one grade which could mask the student’s areas of strength and weakness. In the new report cards, the overall grades have been removed. Students will receive a performance level for each specific standard, which gives more detailed information about how a student is performing.

My child achieved a 3 in the first and/or second trimester. Does this mean they have met grade level expectations for the end of the year?

Grade level standards are marked based on what has been taught and assessed so far. When a student earns a 3 on the first trimester report card, it does not mean that the student has learned all they need to learn for the entire year. It means that, based on what has been taught and assessed so far, the student has demonstrated grade-level skills. Many subject areas build upon skills throughout the year; as a result, your child’s mark will reflect the progression of skills. We would expect the student to master end-of-year grade level standards if their skills continue to progress.

Do the performance levels directly translate into percentages?

No. The performance levels do not directly translate into a percentage. For example, a mark of a 3 does not equate to 75%. Instead, a 3 indicates the student is meeting the grade level expectations at the end of the grading period or trimester.

What does a slash (/) mean?

A slash or / means the grade level standard was not assessed during this trimester.

Are all grade level California State Standards listed on the new report card?

No. The report card lists only the district-identified priority standards. While students are taught all grade level standards, a priority standard is a standard that is essential for a student’s success at the grade level and beyond. Supporting standards are integrated into mastery of the priority standards.

What other ways can I see my child's progress?

Please keep in mind that report cards are just one way that teachers share information with you about your child's progress. Parent-Teacher conferences, notes, email, and phone calls are other ways for you to learn how your child is progressing in school. If you have any questions about the report card or your child's performance, please contact your child's teacher.

My child works with other teachers during the school day. How is that work reflected in this report card?

Classroom teachers will complete report cards for students in their class. They will confer with other teachers who work with your child to make sure the marks on the report card accurately reflect student learning.

Are other districts in the area using a similar grading system for elementary?

Yes. Many school districts in Alameda County and Santa Clara County are currently using a standards-based grading system, including Berkeley, Castro Valley, Cupertino, New Haven, Oakland, Palo Alto, Pleasanton, and San Leandro.