Board Meeting Highlights: September 14, 2022 (Regular)

Board Members

Dianne Jones, President
Vivek Prasad, Vice President
Yajing Zhang, Clerk
Desrie Campbell, Member
Larry Sweeney, Member
Sissi Zhang, Student Member

Meeting Agenda

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The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for September 28, 2022 at 6:30pm; time subject to change.

Fremont Unified School District

Board Meeting Highlights

September 14, 2022 (Regular)

6.1 Report on Action taken in Closed Session

The Board unanimously approved the appointment of Johannes Van Der Pool as Director of Child Nutrition Services.

7.2 Superintendent Report

Superintendent CJ Cammack thanked everyone for their perseverance during the recent heat wave, and particularly acknowledged SEIU employees and Director of Maintenance, Operations and Grounds Tom Ekman for their efforts.

15.1 Approve the 2021-22 Unaudited Actual Financial Report

Director of Accounting Services Robert Pascual and Interim Associate Superintendent Bruce Colby shared a 2021-22 Unaudited Actual Financial Report presentation.

Education Code 42100(a) states that on or before September 15, the governing board of each school district shall approve, in a format prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, an annual statement of all receipts and expenditures of the district for the preceding fiscal year.

The District manages multiple “funds” inclusive of the General Fund, Adult Education, Child Development, Child Nutrition, Building Fund and other funds. The main fund is the General Fund which is reported as Unrestricted and Restricted. Unrestricted funds are for general educational purposes and Restricted are categorical funds for specific purposes.

The District's Unrestricted General Fund ending fund balance for the 2021-22 year ending June 30, 2022 is $64.1 million. This includes $23 million that is committed and set aside for collective bargaining offers that have been or are in the process of being settled. It also includes a $36 million (8.7%) reserve for economic uncertainties that is inclusive of the 2% minimum State reserve, the 1% local District reserve policy, 1% reserve variance and a 4.7% reserve for deficit spending and declining enrollment. The District's 8.7% reserve for economic uncertainties is still well below the prior year statewide average of 22.36% as noted in a FY 2020-21 report by School Services of California dated March 7, 2022. The Unrestricted General Fund ending fund balance has a positive variance of $0.3 million from Estimated Actuals.

The District's Restricted General Fund ending fund balance for the 2021-22 year ending June 30, 2022 is $24.9 million. This is restricted categorical carryover for State, Federal and Local programs. This includes funds that are specifically granted to be expended for legally restricted purposes over multiple years based upon program and educational needs. The Restricted General Fund ending fund balance has a positive variance of $14.5 million from Estimated Actuals which will be used to serve future needs in their respective programs.

All other funds were balanced and ended within reasonable estimations.

The Board unanimously approved the 2021-22 Unaudited Actual Financial Report.

15.2 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Final Approval for 2022-23

Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Leticia Services presented the final 2022-23 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for approval by the Board of Trustees, with modifications as requested by the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE). The Board previously approved the LCAP on June 29, 2022.

The LCAP includes an LCFF overview and an update of the 2021-22 LCAP. The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) established the new funding formula that provides the same base grant to all school districts. Supplemental funding is provided to address the needs of eligible students. Eligible students include English Learners (EL), low income students, foster youth, and homeless youth.

The LCAP is a critical part of the LCFF. Each school district must engage parents, students, employees, and the community in the development of the plan. The plan is designed to describe the district's vision for students, annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals.

Based on the themes, priorities, and educational partners' input, the 2022-23 Local Control Accountability Plan increases and improves services to the unduplicated student groups: Homeless students, low income pupils; English Learners; and foster youth. The plan provides extensive supplemental materials to increase access to the core curriculum, increased direct teacher to student support through interventions, more time to access the curriculum through an extended day or year, targeted support for students who have skill gaps that need to be addressed, and social-emotional counseling for students in need of support.

The Board unanimously approved the updated 2022-23 Local Control Accountability Plan.

15.3 Agreements between Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) & School Employees International Union, Local 1021 (SEIU)

A public hearing was held on June 2, 2021, to present sunshine proposals from FUSD and SEIU on article re-openers. The SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement as well as Government Code 10.7 sections 3540-3549, provide FUSD and SEIU to submit re-openers for contract bargaining.

FUSD and SEIU reached tentative agreements that include:

  • Article 1: Recognition
  • Article 7: Hours and Overtime
  • Article 8: Pay and Allowance
  • Article 10: Holidays
  • Article 13: Layoff
  • Article 23: Miscellaneous
  • Article 27: Temporary Reassignment Program (TRP)
  • Side Letter: Mechanic On-call/Standby Time

The current Collective Bargaining Agreement between FUSD and SEIU remains in effect, with the addition of the Side Letter.

The Board unanimously approved the agreements between FUSD and SEIU, Local 1021.

15.5 Secondary Technology Purchases

Each FUSD junior high school/middle school and comprehensive high school offers Project Lead The Way (PLTW) engineering courses. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) courses expose students to the engineering design process through hands-on activities. These courses utilize VEX robotics kits as well as other technology equipment that are aging and in need of replacement.

These funds will be utilized for the purchase of technology materials in PLTW courses and for teacher training. Upgrading the VEX robotics kits used in PLTW engineering courses is essential and PLTW teachers would also like to purchase replacement technology materials with these funds to replace aging equipment. Additionally, this will ensure all current teachers have completed the necessary training as well as offer the opportunity to other teachers in order to increase the number of available instructors for these courses.

The Board unanimously approved the purchase of equipment and professional development to meet the needs of the engineering courses.