Resources to Help Prevent Bullying

The Fremont Unified School District is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students. As part of our on-going efforts, we commemorate two observances during the year to focus attention on the issue of bullying. October is "Bullying Prevention Awareness Month" and the third week in January is "No Name Calling Week".

Read board policy for Student Bullying BP 5131 and Administrative Regulation - 5131 AR (both links open BoardDocs)

Bullying Complaint Form is at the bottom of the 5131 AR.

Please Note: Fremont Unified School District accepts any written communication as a Uniform Complaint (AR 1312.3) - no specific form is required. Please submit complaints to Principal, Student Support Services, and District compliance officer. (helpful information for the complaint could include: contact information, names, date and time of incident, location/school name, and as many details as possible)​

Any student who feels they are a complainant of bullying should immediately contact a teacher, counselor, principal, administrator or staff person.


United States government - Stop Bullying stopbullying [↗]

Including cyberbullying or social media bullying

Information on many topics - Your life your voice yourlifeyourvoice [↗]

Support for families of children and youth with all disabilities - Kids against bullying pacerkidsagainstbullying [↗]

Bullying Prevention Training & Resources (