Balanced Budget Process

In 2024-25, the District will engage with staff, students, parents/guardians, and community members in a comprehensive process to balance the budget for the 2025-26 school year.

This page will be continuously updated to share resources and opportunities to learn about, discuss, and provide input on this budget balancing process.

We Want to Hear from You

With the end of federal and state pandemic funding, declining enrollment, and increased costs, your feedback is critical.

The FUSD Board wants your input before it makes decisions in this balanced budget process.

See below for multiple sessions in October for community members to learn more and provide input.

Please also visit the Balanced Budget Input Portal to complete an anonymous survey open through Thursday, October 31, 2024. Please be advised that while responses are anonymous, results will be shared as part of the public record.

Next Session 10/16, 6pm at MSJHS: Input Sessions for a Balanced Budget

Please join us at one or more of these sessions, which will have similar content and the same opportunities to provide feedback.

View presentation slides: October 2024 Budget Slide Deck - English | Ver en español | 看中文

Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions during both the virtual and in-person sessions.

Click here to view the flyer for all Balanced Budget Input Sessions.

In addition to these community sessions, principals will also offer site-specific sessions for school staff, and school organizations (such as PTAs) may offer sessions for families. Look out for information from your site.

Learn More

Visit the Balanced Budget Process webpage for more information.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, individuals who require appropriate alternative accommodations in order to observe or participate in this event are invited to email with "Accommodation" in the subject line. Every effort will be made to accommodate your requests.

Timeline of Important Dates

September 11, 2024

Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

District staff presented the 2023-24 Unaudited Actual Financial Report for Board approval on September 11, 2024. 

The Unaudited Actuals Presentation included information outlining that at least $30 million in budget reductions were needed to achieve a balanced budget in 2025-26, with Board action needed in January 2025. 

September 13, 2024

Alameda County Office of Education Issues Budget Letter

The Alameda County Office of Education issued
a letter regarding the District's 2024-25 Adopted Budget.

The County conditionally approved FUSD's budget and LCAP for 2024-25. A conditional approval means that FUSD is required to take further actions, including:

  • identifying a target amount for budget reductions and adjustments
  • establish a timeline for the actions by March 2025

The County's concerns are based on the ending of the Measure I Parcel Tax, the District's ongoing structural deficit, and the unknown future costs from bargaining obligations, which remain open at this time.

September 18, 2024

Special Meeting of the Board of Education

The Board held A Balanced Budget for Fiscal Sustainability Workshop to provide initial direction on the process and timeline for the balanced budget process.

October 2024

Community Input Sessions

The District will host town halls to gather community input. Please join us at one or more of these sessions, which will have similar content and opportunities to provide feedback.

View presentation slides: October 2024 Budget Slide Deck - English | Ver en español | 看中文

Click here to view more information on these sessions.

Also during October, principals and directors will lead input sessions with staff, and school organizations (such as PTAs) may offer sessions for families.

October 31, 2024

Balanced Budget Input Portal Closes

The anonymous Balanced Budget Input Portal survey will close on Thursday, October 31, 2024.

Please be advised that while responses are anonymous, results will be shared as part of the public record.

December 2, 2024

Special Meeting of the Board of Education

The Board will host a special meeting, during which staff introduce initial reduction options and recommendations. The Board will provide input for consideration prior to action.

The meeting agenda will be posted here when available. 

December 11, 2024

Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

The Board will conduct its annual Reorganization Meeting and one new member will be seated.

The 1st Interim Budget will be presented.

The meeting agenda will be posted here when available. 

January 8, 2025

Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

At this meeting, staff will present reduction tiers with recommendations for Board action, updated based on Board direction in the December 2 meeting.

The Board will discuss and take action on budget reductions.

The meeting agenda will be posted here when available. 

Balanced Budget Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to frequently asked questions about the District's budget and this balanced budget process.