Weekly Updates & Reminders, March 18th

Dear Ardenwood Families,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are adjusting to Daylight Savings Time!

Ardenwood Highlights & Happenings

ARDENWOOD SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY – Dragons will be wearing green this Monday, March 18th for a post-St. Patrick’s Day celebration!

REPORT CARDS:   Second Trimester report cards will be posted in Illuminate on March 22.  If you have questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher or our school office.  Thank you for your patience and understanding!

RAMADAN –  Ardenwood PTA and school team are providing a space for students who are fasting during Ramadan.  Dragons may go to room 33 during lunch to play games, enjoy craft activities and more.   The space will be available throughout the month of Ramadan.  

PI DAY – Congratulations to our top three winners from Pi Day–Daniel C. with 593 digits (room 36), Amogh D. with 506 digits (room 34) and Anika M. with 408 digits (room 28)!  We were also honored to have guest counters, Diana Ramirez from FUSD-Assessment & Accountability and Sergio Martinez from Calculus Round Table!

STUDENT COUNCIL – Surf Conference:  We are so excited that Ardenwood Student Council Officers will be attending this event on Monday, March 18th.  The SURF Conference is focused on team building and leadership skills.  Book Sale:  Student Council’s book sale will be held this week, March 18th – 22nd before and after school.  Stop by, browse and pick up some books–you can find us right out in front of the school!

ARDENWOOD SCHOOL CONCERT – We are excited for the upcoming Annual Ardenwood Music Concert.  This event will be held on the evening of Tuesday, March 26th at 7 pm in our MPR.  Join us to enjoy some really wonderful music–a reminder, this event is primarily for parents and guardians of the students who are performing.  Our students will enjoy a rehearsal performance earlier the same day.  

REGISTRATION & ENROLLMENT 2024-2025 – The season of registration and enrollment are upon us.  Please remember to complete the Annual Residency Verification to ensure your student’s enrollment “rolls over” for the next school year.  Once you have completed the process, you will receive a confirmation email from “InformedK12.”  Questions?  Please reach out to our school office ardenwoodoffice@fusdk12.net or call us at (510) 794-0392.

Calendar of Upcoming Events

March is Women’s History Month!

March 18th

Spirit Day, Wear Green

SURF Conference–Student Council & Advisors

Student Council Book Sale (3/18 – 3/22)

March 22nd

Fremont Education Foundation Gala, Fremont Event Center, 6:00 pm

Come out & support Fremont schools:  FEF Gala – Link to Purchase TIckets

March 26th

Ardenwood School Concert, 7:00 pm, MPR

March 27th

Ardenwood Spotlight Presentation, 6:30 pm, District Office

March 28th- April 7th Spring Break–Enjoy!!!

Important FUSD Links

Anxiety in Youth and Children Virtual Workshop – Monday, 3/25/2024 , 6:00pm

Enrollment 2024-2025

Health Guidelines:  When to Keep Your Dragon Home from School

From Our Ardenwood PTA

PTA Upcoming Meeting Reschedule

* Thur, April 11 – 7pm Zoom – Executive Board meeting

* Tue, May 7 – 7pm Zoom – Association meeting + 2024-25 PTA Election

Talent Show – Thank you to all the students that auditioned to be a Talent Show emcee this year! We are excited to announce… *drum roll please*

Fifth graders, Karina Patel from Mr. Lambert’s class and Aanya Seshadri from Ms. Friedheim’s class will host the intermediate grades’ show.  Fourth graders, Renya Gummadam from Ms. Jaumoville’s class and Iza Basil from Mr. Loisel’s class will host the primary grades’ show.  Congratulations, Karina, Aanya, Renya and Iza.  We can’t wait to see you in action! 

The deadline to submit a Talent Show audition video is fast approaching!  Please be sure to submit your video by Monday, March 25. For more information and submission guidelines, visit the PTA website for more info.

Open House – The Ardenwood PTA is already starting to plan ahead for the 2024-25 school year. Whether it’s social events, enrichment programs, or campus improvements, we’d love to hear feedback on what you’d like to see the PTA support next year.  If you’re interested in being involved, we have plenty of opportunities to fit your needs, even if your time is limited.  Find us at the PTA table during Open House on April 16!

Mark Your Calendars: Spring Festival is Coming to Ardenwood – Save the date!  Our PTA is thrilled to announce that our Spring Festival is blooming into Ardenwood on Friday, April 26th, from 5-7pm. Thanks to the incredible generosity of an Ardenwood parent and their supportive employer, we will be hosting an evening of fun, food, and treats for all our students and families. Stay tuned for more exciting details to come.

Kids’ Choice!  What prize would you choose?  – PTA is organizing a student contest, and we want to hear from our Dragons!  If your class wins this competition, which prize would you choose?

  • Lunch with the principal

  • ⁠Lunch with your favorite teacher

  • ⁠Behind the scenes with the Principal

  • ⁠Behind the scenes with the… (custodian, librarian)

  • Art or science supplies for your grade level

  • …Something else? (Note: We will not be able to offer food prizes)

Voting closes on Sunday, March 25.   What’s the contest, you ask? You will have to wait in suspense for now, but we will share more next week!


School Rule Reminders 

START OF THE SCHOOL DAY – If your student arrives at school before 8:14 am, please remain with them until the 8:14 am bell rings and then they may proceed to the playground (students only, no parents or guardians should come onto campus).  An exception for students who come to school and eat breakfast–they may enter campus at 8:05 am but must head straight to the MPR. They should eat breakfast, dispose of their trash and remain in the MPR until 8:14 am.  At that time, students may proceed to the playground where staff is supervising until the 8:24 am bell.   When the bell rings, students should walk to their line up location.  For your review, here again is our Rainy Day Procedure.

DROP OFFS – Teachers and staff are focused on supporting our 600+ Dragons each and every day.  Consequently, we ask that you refrain from dropping off lunches, water bottles and other items for delivery to students.   A reminder–all Dragons have access to free breakfast and lunch as well as water fountains here on campus–we recently had a new water bottle filling station installed!  If your child forgets their homework, please have them check-in with their teacher regarding late submission.  Of course, if you need to drop off eyeglasses or any type of medication for your student, please let us know as we will certainly make exceptions for these items.  Please support our Dragons in following our Ardenwood school rule of being responsible.  

TRAFFIC SAFETY  – Thanks to all families who have helped us increase safety on campus by focusing on traffic rules.  Local authorities continue to visit our campus regularly to support us in this area and in some cases, they issue traffic citations.  Please follow traffic safety rules and comply with regulations.

Have a great week and Go Dragons!

Glynis Mason, Principal
