Student drop off and pick before and after school

CrossingThe front of the school can get a bit hectic, especially in the mornings when dropping off students and after school when picking up students at the end of the school day.  We ask that all parents comply with the requests of the school personnel to ensure that everyone is safe and that the environment in front of the school is orderly during pick up and drop off times.

Please adhere to the following rules:

1.  Do not leave your vehicle unattended in the drop off zone (yellow zones located at the sidewalk curb directly in front of the school).

2.  Do not get out of your vehicle to assist unloading students.  On most days, we have parent volunteers to assist with unloading students if necessary.

3.  When possible, pull all the way to the end of the loading zone to unload your children.  This allows for the consistent flow of traffic during drop off times.

4.  Do not enter the school parking lot.  The school parking lot is only for buses and for school staff.  TK & Kindergarten families whose children attend the PM class will need to park directly across the street from the school on Nicolet or they can park in Los Cerritos Park or neighboring side streets in order to bring students to school.

5.  All students should exit your vehicle at the curbside not the street side. This will prevent any unforeseen accidents with oncoming traffic on Nicolet Avenue.

6.  Parents should never leave their vehicle in the neighborhood streets to walk children onto campus.  Vehicles left unattended and who are parked illegally will be ticketed by the Fremont Police Department.

7.  Vehicles who continue to violate the drop-off and pick up rules will have license plate numbers reported to the Fremont Police department for intervention.

8.  Vehicles should never park in any portion of a red zone nor should they stop in the driveway entrances for the school parking lot.

9.  Please be cautious with the crosswalk areas.  ALL parents and students MUST use the crosswalk when coming to or leaving school.  We do not want to teach poor habits to children by not obeying the crosswalk laws.  Remember, pedestrians always have the right of way when in a crosswalk. There is a speed bump directly located in the front of the school parking lot on the street in front of the school's marque.  Please do not use this speed bump as a crosswalk.

10.  Brookvale has teamed up with the Fremont Police Department and the City of Fremont to provide crossing guards for safe crossing of students in the crosswalk. The crossing guards are a designee of the police department.  All directions provided by the crossing guard MUST be followed at all times by both adults and children.  To help create a positive morale for the Brookvale school community, please be curious to the crossing guard when crossing and when driving near Brookvale.

The school truly appreciates everyone's help with obeying the drop-off and pick up policy in the front of the school.  Our priority is to keep children safe and parents stress-free in the mornings and after school.  Please be aware that no vehicle should make any u-turns during school hours on Nicolet due to children and pedestrian crossing.

Foot traffic on campus & holding/waiting area -  (Yellow line)

When walking your children to school please be aware that no one should report directly to the classroom door before school and after school.  Teachers are not available to meet with families prior to the start of the school day unless prearranged appointments have been made directly with the teacher.  In that instance, the parent will report to the office for their meeting.

Located near the office area is a yellow line painted on the blacktop area.   This yellow line on the blacktop area is where ALL parents and students wait for the morning bell and dismissal bell to sound.  In the morning when the bell sounds, parents and students may WALK to their classroom door and have students line up in a single file line awaiting the arrival of the teacher who will open the classroom door, greet the students and let them inside for the day's instruction.

When picking up your children after school, parents are required to wait at the yellow line until the dismissal bell rings.  We do not allow anyone to sit outside of the classrooms on the benches that are located beyond the yellow line, as it causes a disruption to the classroom environment.  Having visitors sitting outside the classrooms also prevents the school personnel of ensuring an "intruder free" environment.  Any location inside of the yellow line constitutes being on campus and those individuals would be in violation of the visitors to campus board policy for FUSD.