
Phone number: 510-797-2072 ext. Absence Line 68901


Absences:  Illness, doctors appointments or bereavement are generally the only acceptable excuses for absence.
When a student is absent, teachers notify the Attendance Office, and the student's name is placed on the absence list for the day.  We are required by the State to clear all absences.  Parents should call the school before 8:00 a.m. (797-2072 extension 68901) on each day of their child's absence.  The attendance clerk will attempt to call home and/or work on all absences that have not already been cleared for the day.

Long Term Absences:  Please call the office at least two weeks before to discuss options if your student will be absent 5 or more days for non-medical reasons.

Appointments:  If students need to be released for an appointment off campus,  a note should be brought to the Attendance Office BEFORE SCHOOL so that an Off-Grounds Pass can be issued and classes are disrupted as little as possible..  An adult must  sign their student out in the Attendance Office before they actually leave campus.

In order to participate in an after school activity, students must be in attendance that school day by 2nd period and remain for the duration of the school day (or 4 hrs. total for the day).  Medical notes will excuse a tardy or early dismissal so the student may participate.

If a student is late arriving to school, he/she must check in at the Attendance Office for an Admit Slip.  The Admit Slip must be given to the teacher.
If students are late, without a valid reason, a 1-hour "detention" will be given.  If a student is tardy:
8:15-8:35 Lunch Detention
8:35-9:05 After School (1 hr.)
After 9:05 Saturday School Detention (4 hrs.)