Offices & Principals

Principal - Charlene Sim
Assistant Principal - Stephanie Schubert

Glankler Early Learning Center

39207 Sundale Drive, Fremont, CA 94538 [Goolge MAP]

Phone: (510) 651-1190
Fax: (510) 651-4201

Secretary - Shobha Master

Attendance Clerk - Vacancy (510) 651-1190 Ext. 25101

Rix-Glankler Early Learning Center

43100 Isle Royal St. Fremont, CA 94538 [Google MAP]

Phone: (510) 490-8802

Secretary - Cathy Ytuarte

Attendance Clerk - Victoria Cortez

Staff at Glankler | RIx-Glankler


Each school site shall designate a school site contact for assisting students regarding rights and issues of transgender and gender variant students. If school administrators or designated school site contacts have questions regarding assisting students under Board Policy 5145.5 and this regulation AR 5145.5, they shall contact the Director of Elementary or Secondary Education, as appropriate.
LGBTQ (Transgender and Gender Variant) Support Contacts