Physical Education – Curriculum Guide

Welcome to Gomes Physical Education.  To make sure your child's activities are safe, please have your child wear shoes in which he/she can run on the grass, track and black top.  Their clothing should be comfortable to match the schedule of sports and the weather.  Dresses or skirts should have shorts under them.  They can bring clothes to change into which would be appropriate to sit in or be upside down in.  When your child is unable to participate in P.E. due to illness or injury please send a note for that day.  If your child is unable to participate for longer than a school week you must send a note from a doctor.  If you have questions about the program or the participation of your child, please call Gomes school office, 656-3417. Weather conditions will dictate activities sometimes. Ninety degrees or higher temperatures or spare the air days will mean only walking activities.  Rainy days we go inside the gym. Your child will have P.E. two or three times a week.  They run a quarter mile track, have exercises and a sport in which to participate.  We look forward to a great year with your child.