
PARENTS, PLEASE BE SURE TO CALL WHEN YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT. We strive to confirm all absences by phone/email the first day of the absence. When your student is absent, it is essential that you call the assigned attendance clerk at (510) 657-3600 or email  as listed below:

A - GH
Ms. Mari Escudero

Ms. Sandy Hillman

Ms. Priya Choudhary

SI - Z
Ms. Priscilla Ito


If this is done, a note will not be necessary upon your student's return to school. If parent contact is not made, the absence is listed as unexcused and instructional time must be used by the student, teacher, and the attendance office to clear it. Thank you in advance for helping make our MSJ attendance system one of the most efficient in Fremont!

If the school does not receive a phone call, the school will call the parent to verify the absence. If a parent is not reached, the student must bring a note to the attendance office upon return to school and receive an admit slip back to class. Failure to do so will result in a Saturday detention.

Students who have a pattern of excessive excused or unexcused absences will be contacted by a school administrator who will work with the parent and student to reduce absences. If this does not remedy the problem, options such as alternative programs and schools, student attendance and review boards may be pursued.

Arriving Late to School, Off-Grounds

If a student arrives late to school they must check in with their assigned attendance secretary upon arrival. When a student needs to leave campus he/she needs to bring a note from their parent/guardian to their attendance secretary to receive an "off-grounds" pass. If the parent chooses to call school, the student must see obtain an off-grounds pass before leaving. If a student leaves to go off grounds without clearing it through their secretary, it will be considered a cut. The cut will not be cleared after the fact.

Kinds of Absences

California state law defines three types of absences:

Excused absences: the following are excused absences, which do not result in the loss of state funding:

  • Illness
  • Medical appointment
  • Quarantine
  • Funeral of the immediate family
  • Jury duty

The following are excused absences (justifiable personal reasons) which result in the loss of state funding:

  • Court appearances
  • Employment conference
  • Observation of religious holidays
  • Immunization

Truancies: absences without parental permission. Any student who is absent from school without parent/student permission for more than three days in a year is truant.

Make-up Work

Teachers must allow students to make up tests and assignments missed during excused absences and field trips. Teachers are free to provide or not provide make-up work for unexcused absences, truancies and suspensions.