Board Meeting Highlights: February 28, 2024 (Regular)

See the Meeting Agenda for a full listing of items considered and actions taken at this meeting.

7.1 Superintendent Report

Superintendent CJ Cammack reported that Robertson High School is going through its WASC accreditation process; RHS is a California Model Continuation High School, and is the only continuation school in the nation named a Model Professional Learning School by Solution Tree. Today was the final day of the visit, and the WASC Committee acknowledged - and Superintendent Cammack agreed - that Robertson’s culture, climate, dedication, performance, and commitment of certificate and classified staff are exemplary. He also celebrated the Young Authors winners from all elementary schools, and introduced a video celebrating each winner, and thanked the staff who supported the contest and video.

13.1 Blacow Elementary School Showcase

Principal José Hernández, Booster President Jackie Ward, and a student representative presented the Blacow Showcase to highlight the school's accomplishments, areas of focus, unique characteristics, student perspective, and parent/guardian and community perspective.

16.1 Receive Presentation for Board Discussion on Recess

Senate Bill 291 was signed into law in October of 2023 with the requirements that, commencing with the 2024–25 school year, apply to recess provided by a public school. SB291 applies to schools that currently offer recess, which for Fremont Unified School District, would apply to our elementary schools, not our middle schools or high schools. Additionally, legal counsel has confirmed that the 30 minute requirement is cumulative for each day, not per session. We have conducted an analysis and based upon our review we are in compliance with the law and changes would not be mandated to comply with the new law.

Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Leticia Salinas and Director of Elementary Education Robin Sehrt presented the Recess Presentation for the Board to review, discuss and provide direction on next steps.

District Office at sunrise