Board Meeting Highlights: April 17, 2024 (Regular)
See the Meeting Agenda for a full listing of items considered and actions taken at this meeting.
6.1 Report on Action taken in Closed Session
The Board unanimously approved the appointment of the following staff for the 2024-25 school year:
- Sandhya Sharma - Principal - American High School
- Jamie Shimomura - Principal - Durham Elementary School
- Charlene Sim - Principal - Glankler and Rix-Glankler Early Learning Centers
- Walter Lewis - Principal - Parkmont Elementary School
7.1 Superintendent Report
Superintendent CJ Cammack reported that last week the Fremont Engineering Expo was outstanding, with 250 students from 84 classes or clubs participating from across the District; he thanked the staff who made this possible, and the City of Fremont’s Economic Development Team for partnering on this event. He also shared that the Board had a Special Meeting on Monday to review the Long Range Facilities Plan, and the Facilities Advisory Committee met on Tuesday to continue that conversation.
7.2 Student Member Report
Student Board Member Ananya Balaji shared highlights from schools, including variations on Spring Fest and senior-focused events at all high schools. She invited all FUSD students to join the SURFBoardE Open Forum on Friday, April 19.
13.1 Grimmer Elementary School Showcase
Principal Judy Nye, the PTA Secretary, and a 4th grade Student Ambassador presented the Grimmer School Showcase to highlight the school's accomplishments, areas of focus, unique characteristics, student perspective, and parent/guardian and community perspective.
16.1 Board Budget Study Session
Associate Superintendent Danny Hillman presented the Board Budget Discussion.
The Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) requires that every school district in the County adopt a balanced budget for three consecutive years (the current year plus two years in advance) in order to stay in good standing (i.e., positive certification).
At the March 13, 2024 Board meeting staff presented and approved the Second Interim Budget Report for 2023-24 with a Positive Certification. The Fremont Unified School District will be able to meet its financial obligations for the current and subsequent two years.
Based on the Second Interim Budget Report, FUSD must reduce an estimated $14 million from the 2025-26 fiscal year budget.
The Alameda County Office of Education has advised FUSD of the following, in recent communications about FUSD's budget, “Although able to meet minimum required reserves, the District has been Deficit spending. There is deficit spending of $2.0 million projected for 2023-24 which jumps to $16.9 million for 2024-25 and $22.3 million for 2025-26. This will result in a significant decrease to the Unrestricted Ending Fund Balance from $43.8 million in 2022-23 to $2.7 million in 2025-26. The deficit spending trend is something the District must closely monitor. Planned Personnel reductions of $3.3 million and $12.3 million were budgeted for 2024-25 and 2025-26, respectively, due to the compounding effects of declining enrollment, salary settlements, and expiration of one-time funds and a parcel tax. FUSD should continue to proactively assess its deficit spending, and implement timely budget balancing solutions in order to ensure continued fiscal health.”
The Fremont Unified School District Governing Board is committed to ensuring the continuing fiscal viability and solvency of the district and has taken several actions during times of fiscal uncertainty. During the 2020-2021 school year, the district took several actions, which included employee layoffs, program cuts, and impacts to student transportation. During that process, the district worked closely with employee groups and the community to implement reduction measures and solicit collaborative discussions on these difficult decisions.
The district once again faces difficult choices, which have been exacerbated by inadequate State and Federal funding. The impacts have been passed on to K-12 school districts. In addition to State and Federal funding reductions, the district is still experiencing impacts from unfunded state pension liability, declining enrollment, decreased revenue, and increased costs in special education.
The Second Interim Budget Report notes that the District can meet its financial commitments for the two projected years. The district is currently operating with a surplus to the ending balance, mainly due to reduced expenditures that account for vacancies that are expected to go unfilled. However, deficit spending balloons to $17.3 million and $26.8 million in 2024-25 and 2025-26, respectively. As a result, our ending balance for Fund 01 (General Fund) plus Fund 17 (Special Reserves) are projected to decrease from 12.7% to 9.5% to 4.6% in the current and subsequent two years.
The District will meet its financial obligations for the current and two subsequent years but will need to start making budget reductions next year to eliminate deficit spending, or else the reserves will be exhausted by 2026-27.
Proposed Timeline:
- May 2024 – Governor’s 2024-25 May Revision
- June 2024 – Adoption of 2024-25 Budget: two meeting process
- July 2024 – 45 Day Budget Update for 2024-25
- Fall 2024 – Initiate a Comprehensive and Collaborative Budget Reduction Process in alignment with the model used in 2020-21
- Winter 2024-25 – Recommendations for Budget Reduction Plan
- Spring 2025 – Enact Budget Reduction Plan and issue mandated notices as needed
The Board reviewed the Budget Development Process overview and proposed timeline, which will be brought back with specific details at a future Board meeting.
16.2 Receive the School Disaggregated Report of the 2023 California School Dashboard for the Fremont Unified School District
Director of Assessment & Accountability Elie Wasser presented the School Disaggregated Report of the 2023 California School Dashboard.
The California School Dashboard (Dashboard) is an online tool designed to help communities across the state access important information about kindergarten through grade twelve schools and districts. The 2023 Dashboard, which was released on December 15, 2023, reflects a full return of California’s accountability system with the reporting of Status (current year data), Change (the difference from prior year data), and Performance Levels (colors) for most State Indicators, which are:
- Academic Performance
- College/Career Readiness
- English Learner Progress
- Chronic Absenteeism
- Graduation Rate
- Suspension Rate
At the January 31, 2024 regular meeting of the Board of Education, the Board received information about the 2023 Dashboard report on State and Local indicators for the Fremont Unified School District. This follow-up presentation provides additional information to the district-wide data described earlier in January by reporting out on State Indicator performance disaggregated by school sites. School performance is referenced against both district and State of California Dashboard results.
The Board is asked to receive the School Disaggregated Report of the 2023 California School Dashboard for the Fremont Unified School District.
16.3 Approve the Mural Project at Oliveira Elementary School
Linda Anderson, Principal at Oliveira Elementary School, is requesting the installation of two metal mural panels that form one cohesive mural. The mural was designed in Fall 2023 by the student-formed Art & Mural Club. The design, colors and installation method have been refined by the club over the last few months. The mural was designed to share a message of kindness (students may stand in front of the shadowed I to be the "I" in kind). The mural will be painted by students under the direction of Althea Rahman, Oliveira Teacher. The mural project will be funded by Oliveira's gifts and donations. The student artists will be painting the murals during non-instructional time. Director Ekman has approved the location for the mural installation, which will be in the courtyard area on the exterior wall of Room 1.
Staff recommends that the Board approve the Mural Project at Oliveira Elementary School.
16.4 Approve Mascot for the Fremont Unified School District Preschool Program
The State Preschool Program has been a part of FUSD since 1966. It serves at-promise and low-income children as well as those with IEPs, prioritizing dual-language learners. FUSD also offers the Preschool Enrichment Program, a tuition-based program for students who are not eligible for the State Preschool Program. The Preschool Department does not have a school mascot.
The Preschool Program, consisting of State Preschool and the Preschool Enrichment Program, worked with staff and students to develop a mascot based on the following:
- Original mascot to FUSD
- Mascot with positive connotations
- Gender neutral mascot
- Utilize alliteration with Preschool
In February 2024, the community voted on the mascot Preschool Penguins with the click here to see the Preschool Penguin image.
The Board unanimously approved the mascot for the Fremont Unified School District Preschool.
Prepared by: Christie Rocha, Director of Federal & State Programs
16.5 Approve the Mural Project at Millard Elementary School
Dr. Jorge Gonzales, Principal at Millard Elementary School is requesting two murals to be painted on site to show the warm welcome and the representing image of learning happening at Millard to the students and community of Millard Elementary school. The murals will be painted by Mercedes Ireland, Paraeducator at Millard and Yekta Mousavi, daughter of a staff member at Millard Elementary. The murals will be funded by the innovation grant and gifts and donations received during the school year. The artists will be painting the murals during non-instructional time, but students will have the opportunity to see the entire process and interact with the artist.
Click here to view sketches of the proposed mural. Once approval has been received, Principal Gonzalez can procure the materials to begin the project.
The Board unanimously approved the mural project at Millard Elementary School.
16.6 Approve the Staff-Recommended Textbook Adoption for French Levels 1-3 for Grades 7-12
The currently adopted French Levels 1-3 curriculum is D'accord, 2nd edition (2015, Vista Higher Learning). This edition will no longer be available as there was a 3rd edition published in 2019. Purchasing procured enough student materials to meet needs through the 2023-24 school year. French Level 4 had a new curriculum adoption completed in October of 2021.
Since adopting D'accord, 2nd edition, the state has adopted the new World Language Standards (2019) and World Language Framework (2020).
Three (3) middle schools and four (4) comprehensive high schools currently offer French World Language. There are approximately seven (7) French World Language Levels 1-3 teachers across these sites with approximately 650 students enrolled in a French World Language course across the three (3) levels.
The adoption committee reviewed the following textbooks:
- Reporters Levels 1 and 2 (Level 1: 2021, Klett World Languages. Level 2: 2023)
- Defi Francophone 1-2 (2022, Klett World Languages)
- Chemins Levels 1-3 (2023, Vista Higher Learning)
- D'accord, 4th edition 1-3 (2024, Vista Higher Learning)
- Te Branches? Levels 1-3 (2020, Carnegie Learning)
The committee narrowed down the selections to three (3) textbooks to pilot:
- Reporters (2021, 2023 Klett World Languages): Levels 1 and 2
- Chemins (2023, Vista Higher Learning): Levels 1-3
- D'accord, 4th edition (2024, Vista Higher Learning): Levels 1-3
On March 19, 2024, the adoption committee met to review the curricula under consideration, and after a thorough review, the committee is recommending the following materials from Vista Higher Learning:
Middle School
French 1: Chemins Levels 1 (2023, Vista Higher Learning): This textbook provides the same content and units as D'Accord but at a more appropriate pace for first-year middle school students.
French 2: D'Accord, 4th edition Level 2 (2024, Vista Higher Learning)
High School
French 1-3: D'Accord, 4th edition Level 1, 2, and 3 (2024, Vista Higher Learning)
The adoption materials were made available to the public for review in-person and online from October 23, 2023 to March 15, 2024. Online resources were also available to the Board Trustees from October 23, 2023 to March 15, 2024. Members of the public used a form to share their feedback.
The Board unanimously approved the staff-recommended French Levels 1-3 curriculum for grades 7-12.
16.7 Approve the Staff-Recommended Textbook Adoption for Spanish Levels 1-4 for Grades 7-12
The currently adopted curriculum for Spanish Levels 1-4 is iAvancemos! (2013, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). Notice of the retirement of the textbooks was shared with teachers in December 2022. Purchasing procured enough student materials to meet the needs through the 2023-24 school year.
Since the adoption of iAvancemos! the state adopted the new World Language Standards (2019) and World Language Framework (2020).
All five (5) middle schools and all five (5) comprehensive high schools currently offer Spanish World Language. There are approximately 30 Spanish World Language teachers across these sites with approximately 3,650 students enrolled in a Spanish World Language course across four (4) levels.
The adoption committee reviewed the following textbooks:
- Reporteros Levels 1 and 2 ( Level 1: 2021, Klett World Languages, Level 2: 2023)
- Mapas Levels 1-4 (2022, Klett World Languages)
- Senderos Levels 1-4 (2023, Vista Higher Learning)
- Encuentros Levels 1-3 (2023, Vista Higher Learning)
- Imagina!, 5th edition (2023, Vista Higher Learning)
- Perspectivas (2022, Vista Higher Learning)
- Que Chevere! Levels 1-4 (2020, Carnegie Learning)
They narrowed down the selections to two (2) textbooks to pilot:
- Senderos (2023, Vista Higher Learning): Levels 1-4
- Encuentros (2023, Vista Higher Learning): Levels 1-3
- Imagina!, 5th edition (2023, Vista Higher Learning): Level 4
On March 19, 2024, the adoption committee met to review the curricula under consideration, and after a thorough review, the committee is recommending the following materials from Vista Higher Learning:
Middle School
- Spanish 1-2: Senderos (2023, Vista Higher Learning): Levels 1-2
High School
- Spanish 1-3: Senderos (2023, Vista Higher Learning): Levels 1-3
- Spanish 4: Imagina!, 5th edition (2023, Vista Higher Learning): Level 4
The adoption materials were made available to the public for review in-person and online from October 23, 2023, to March 15, 2024. Online resources were also available to the Board Trustees from October 23, 2023, to March 15, 2024. Members of the public used a form to share their feedback.
The Board unanimously approved the staff-recommended Spanish Levels 1-4 curriculum for grades 7-12.
16.9 Adoption of Resolution No. 035-2324: Resolution of Intention to Sell Certain Surplus Property (Patterson Ranch Property), Authorizing the Issuance of a Request for Proposals, and Declaring the Property Exempt from the Surplus Land Act
On January 23, 2023, the Board of Education (“Board”) of the Fremont Unified School District (“District”), by Resolution No. 023-2223, declared surplus certain real property (“Surplus Property Declaration”), consisting of approximately 11 gross acres of vacant land, located west of Paseo Padre Parkway, and adjacent to Ardenwood Boulevard, in the City of Fremont, referred to by the District as the “Patterson Property”.
In furtherance of its Surplus Property Declaration, the Board authorized District staff to proceed with the necessary statutory requirements and steps for the disposition of the Patterson Property, including exploring all options for disposition of the Patterson Property in the best interests of the District, such as seeking a waiver from the State Board of Education (“SBE”) of certain surplus disposition statutes.
On November 15, 2023, District staff recommended, and the Board authorized, after holding a public hearing, the submission of a request to the SBE to waive the statutory competitive bid requirements in Education Code 17455 et seq to allow for the disposition of the Patterson Property by a Request for Proposals process. At its March 6, 2023 meeting, the SBE approved the District’s request for waiver.
In accordance with Education Code section 17466 and the District’s waiver application as approved by the SBE, the District now requests the Board declare, by two-thirds vote of its members, the Board’s intention to sell the Patterson Property, along with setting forth some terms for the sale via Request for Proposals. Staff will evaluate the proposals that are received, and provide recommendations to the Board to consider the award of a Purchase and Sale Agreement at a future meeting, subject to the conditions of the SBE waiver. Additionally, District staff requests the Board memorialize that the Patterson Property is exempt from the Surplus Land Act and send the required notice to the Department of Housing and Community Development.
Accordingly, District staff respectfully recommends that the Board adopt the presented Resolution of Intention to Sell Certain Surplus Property, Authorizing the Issuance of a Request for Proposals, and Declaring the Property Exempt from the Surplus Land Act.
16.10 Receive and Consider Proposals for the Purchase of Marshall Property
At its April 21, 2021 meeting, upon a report and recommendation by its 7-11 Facilities Advisory Committee, the District’s Board of Education (“Board”) unanimously voted to declare the former Marshall Elementary School Site, a 2.62-acre parcel located at 5301 Curtis Drive in Fremont (“Marshall Property”), as surplus to the District’s education needs.
On March 23, 2022, the Board authorized staff to proceed with the necessary steps for the disposition of the Marshall Property, including executing the preliminary statutory requirements and exploring all other options for disposition of the surplus property in the best interests of the District, including seeking a waiver from the State Board of Education (“SBE”) of certain surplus disposition statutes, if needed.
On June 15, 2022, the Board approved staff’s request to submit an application for SBE waiver of the statutory competitive bid requirements for disposition of surplus property, and authorized submitting the application to the SBE to allow for more flexibility in selecting a buyer for the Marshall Property. At its meeting on November 2, 2022, the SBE approved the District’s waiver request.
As authorized by the SBE waiver, the District issued a Request for Proposals for purchase of the Marshall Property on February 17, 2023. Formal proposals were received until April 28, 2023, which was then extended to June 2, 2023; however, no proposals received met the conditions and terms of the Board for the disposition. District continued to seek general proposals for purchase of the Marshall Site, and in February 2024, District’s broker initiated another wave of seeking proposals for purchase of the Marshall Property with further authorization of the Board.
The SBE waiver approval required the Board to first receive proposals, then select the most desirable within 30-60 days of the public meeting where the proposals were received. The purpose of this meeting is to present proposals to the Board for consideration.
Based on the terms and parameters of the requests for proposals and the Board’s direction, and as required by the waiver approved by the SBE, District staff respectfully recommends that the Board:
- Receive and consider the three proposals presented
- Authorize staff to commence negotiations with Nuvera Homes in furtherance of a viable purchase and sale agreement
- Continue receiving proposals until the Board formally selects the most desirable proposal, by approving a final purchase and sale agreement, within the next 60 days as required by the State Department of Education
The Board received and considered proposals for the purchase of certain surplus property known as the Marshall Property, and unanimously authorized staff to commence negotiations.
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