Board Meeting Highlights: May 22, 2024 (Regular)
See the Meeting Agenda for a full listing of items considered and actions taken at this meeting.
3.1 Receive the 2023-2024 SURFBoardE Year in Review
Throughout the current school year, Students United for Representation to the Fremont Unified School District Board of Education (SURFBoardE) has worked hard to present to the Board of Education highlights of student activities and concerns/opinions.
As the school year ends, student leaders presented the "State of the SURF," a retrospective review of their accomplishments in 2023-2024.
3.2 Adopt Resolution 032-2324 in Appreciation of Student Board Member, Ananya Balaji
It has been a customary and wonderful tradition to present a resolution of appreciation to the current Student Board Member in recognition of their service to the Fremont Unified School District.
Ananya Balaji has done an excellent job as Student Member of the Board of Education for the 2023-2024 school year. We commend her for the outstanding service for which she has given Fremont Unified School District.
The Board unanimously adopted Resolution 032-2324 in appreciation of Student Board Member, Ananya Balaji.
3.3 Adopt Resolution 033-2324 in Appreciation of 2023-2024 Student Board Representatives, Recognition of 2023-2024 SURFBoardE Representatives and Introduction of 2024-2025 Student Board Members and Representatives
The Constitution of the Students United for Representation to the Fremont Board of Education (SURFBoardE) sets forth the method of appointing new members and electing officers of SURFBoardE. Members are appointed after submitting applications, recommendations, and participating in an interview process with current Board Members. Students are appointed for a one-year term and may resubmit for a second term.
The annual interview and selection process has been completed and the SURFBoardE is recommending students and the Student Board Member for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Board unanimously adopted Resolution 033-2324 in appreciation of 2023-2024 Student Board Representatives, recognition of 2023-2024 SURFBoardE Representatives and introduction of 2024-2025 Student Board Members and Representatives.
The new Fremont Unified School District Student Board Member, starting at the end of this item, is Sriya Neti.
7.1 Report on Action taken in Closed Session
The Board unanimously approved the appointment of the following staff for the 2024-25 school year:
- Mr. Spenser Peterson - Assistant Principal - American High School
- Mr. Julio Navarrete - Assistant Principal - American High School
- Dr. Susan Lemke - Principal - Centerville Middle School
- Mr. Matt Kaufman - Principal - E. M. Grimmer Elementary School
8.1 Superintendent Report
Superintendent CJ Cammack acknowledged Classified School Employees Week and celebrated our Classified Employees of the Year:
He also acknowledged the employees who retired between June 2023 and June 2024, who together represent over 2,040 years of service to Fremont Unified School District. He thanked the many who joined the reception this week to honor retirees, with leaders from FUDTA, CSEA, SEIU and FSMA and trustees.
8.2 Student Member Report
Student Board Member Sriya Neti was welcomed to her first meeting.
14.1 Mission San Jose Elementary School Showcase
Principal Katy Carter, PTC President Shane Vermette and student representatives presented the Mission San Jose Elementary School Showcase to highlight the school's accomplishments, areas of focus, unique characteristics, student perspective, and parent/guardian and community perspective.
17.1 State Budget Update 2024-2025
Associate Superintendent Daniel Hillman shared a 2024-25 May Revise presentation.
On January 10, 2024 the Governor announced the State budget proposal for the fiscal year 2024-25. On January 17, 2024, the Board of Education and community were presented with the highlights of the Governor's proposal.
The Governor announced the revision to the January Budget proposal on May 10, 2024. Staff attended the School Services of California May Revise workshop on May 21, 2024 to analyze the updated information.
Staff will continue to update the Board and public as further information becomes available.
17.3 2024 Presentation on Recent Library Updates and Celebrations
Director of Curriculum & Instruction Corey Brown presented the 2023-24 Library Highlights, which serves as the annual update to the Board of Education.
The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Board of Trustees with an annual update and to to celebrate our district libraries and the work that has taken place this past year.
17.4 Receive Annual Report from the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC)
On June 3, 2014, the voters of Fremont approved the $650 million Measure E general obligation bond initiative, under the requirements of Proposition 39 (2000), the School Facilities Local Vote Act. The scope of the bond work includes upgrading and repairing neighborhood schools by updating technology and aging classrooms; upgrading electrical wiring to current safety codes; fixing or replacing leaky roofs, aging plumbing and restrooms; removing asbestos; and repairing, constructing and acquiring equipment, classrooms, sites, and facilities.
On September 23, 2014, the Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) was appointed by the Board of Education. California Education Code requires that following the passage of a "Proposition 39" bond election, a governing board establishes an independent citizens' oversight committee. Proposition 39 refers to the School Facilities Local Vote Act of 2000, which reduced the threshold required to pass local California school district bond issues from a two-thirds supermajority vote to a 55 percent simple majority vote.
One of the requirements of Proposition 39 is for the CBOC to report to the Board of Education at least annually the status of the Measure E Implementation, including projects that have been completed.
CBOC Chair Vinita Verma, Vice Chair Bobbi Parry and Alternate Member Bryan Gebhardt presented to the Board of Trustees the annual report, 2024 CBOC Board Report, which highlights the committee's activities and accomplishments to date.
17.5 Discuss Requests of the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC)
This item was tabled at the request of presenters.
17.6 Select Proposal for the Purchase of Marshall Property
At its April 21, 2021 meeting, upon a report and recommendation by its 7-11 Facilities Advisory Committee, the District’s Board of Education (“Board”) unanimously voted to declare the former Marshall Elementary School Site, a 2.62-acre parcel located at 5301 Curtis Drive in Fremont (“Marshall Property”), as surplus to the District’s education needs.
On March 23, 2022, the Board authorized staff to proceed with the necessary steps for the disposition of the Marshall Property, including executing the preliminary statutory requirements and exploring all other options for disposition of the surplus property in the best interests of the District, including seeking a waiver from the State Board of Education (“SBE”) of certain surplus disposition statutes, if needed.
On November 2, 2022, the SBE approved the District’s waiver request, which allowed District staff to issue a Request for Proposals, on February 17, 2023, for purchase of the Marshall Property. Proposals were received until April 28, 2023, which was then extended to June 2, 2023; however, no proposals received met the conditions and terms of the Board for the disposition. District continued to seek general proposals for purchase of the Marshall Property, and in February 2024, District’s broker initiated another wave of seeking proposals for purchase of the Marshall Property with further authorization of the Board.
The Board was presented with three proposals at its open, regular meeting on April 17, 2024:
- Nuvera Homes: $11,500,000, close of escrow approximately 15-21 months
- Warmington Residential; $9,750,000, close of escrow by final map, approximately 24 months
- ARK Group USA LLC: $6,350,000, close of escrow approximately 120 days
The Board considered the proposals presented and authorized staff to commence negotiations with Nuvera Homes. The SBE waiver approval requires the Board to first receive proposals, then select the most desirable within 30-60 days of the public meeting where the proposals were received, and that the reasons for that determination be discussed in public session and included in the minutes of the meeting. No other proposals have been received by the District since the Board first received proposals at its April 17, 2024 meeting.
Accordingly, staff respectfully requests the Board formally select the proposal from Nuvera Homes as the most desirable proposal, and a final purchase and sale agreement with Nuvera Homes will be brought back to the Board for consideration and approval at a future meeting.
The Board unanimously selected Nuvera Homes’ proposal for the purchase of certain surplus property known as the Marshall Property, and authorized staff to continue negotiations for a purchase and sale agreement for future Board approval.