Board Meeting Highlights: August 28, 2024 (Regular)
See the Meeting Agenda for a full listing of items considered and actions taken at this meeting.
7.1 Superintendent Report
Superintendent Erik Burmeister reported that the opening of the school year was a big success, with teachable moments for himself and others to make improvements in future years. He acknowledged the work of staff to get ready for the year.
He noted that course selection/placement at high schools is an area with room for improvement, and he will work to address this. Good news came from American High School today about getting the vast majority of students off waiting lists and placed in an appropriate/desired class.
Superintendent Burmeister also noted that there will be a special meeting of the Board on September 18 to discuss budget balancing efforts to go into effect in the 2025-26 school year, and he shared a draft presentation he will bring to the Board at the meeting. He invited the community to attend.
He also noted that an enrollment update will be coming to the Board at the regular meeting on September 11. At this time, FUSD enrollment is 140 students higher than projected, with only a small decrease in students since last year.
Finally, Superintendent Burmeister noted that the Assessment and Accountability Department is working to provide our 11th grade students an opportunity to take the SAT during the school day, an opportunity previously only available to students in grade 12. This means that students will have two opportunities to take the SAT, in both their 11th and 12th grade years.
7.2 Student Member Report
Student Board Member Sriya Neti reported that many events and scheduling changes are happening at high schools. Students are glad to be back at school. There have been technology changes impacting students and staff, but these are being worked out.
15.1 Adopt the Long-Range Facilities Plan
The Fremont Unified School District’s current Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP or Plan) was adopted by the Board of Education on January 29, 2014. The Plan identified approximately $1.6 billion in facility projects at that time. On June 3, 2014, the voters of Fremont approved the $650 million Measure E general obligation bond initiative.
On October 28, 2020, the Board authorized staff to enter into an agreement with AE3 Partners (AE3) to assist the District with updating the 2014 Plan. This work includes a facilities assessment and condition report along with a prioritization of potential projects. District staff supported the Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) in their effort to draft a set of goals and priorities for the final version of the Plan.
On May 24, 2023, an update was provided to the Board on the work accomplished to date with focus areas for staff and the FAC on the Long Range Facilities Plan. At that meeting, the Board was provided with an update on AE3 data collection and draft formatting of school site-level information. The FAC Chair provided the Board with a summary of FAC’s advisory input on the LRFP.
On April 15, 2024, Staff and Cumming Group presented an update regarding the LRFP with information on changes to District needs and DSA project approvals since 2014, proposed timeline & milestones, proposed timeline for a potential General Obligation Bond and the proposed vision for 2024 and beyond. The Board provided staff with feedback and direction to FAC on prioritization of the project list.
On June 12, 2024, Staff presented an update on the LRFP after continued work with the FAC and FAC LRFP subcommittees. The presentation addressed information requested by the Board and provided a draft project list and prioritization framework, both of which were approved by the FAC. The FAC also voted in support of the Board considering a future general obligation bond for November 2024.
On June 26, 2024, the Board approved the long-range prioritized project list.
On July 31, 2024, the Board received a presentation on and reviewed the draft LRFP.
The Plan is available in three segments due to the large size of the files:
Part 1 - 2024 FUSD Long Range Facilities Plan
Part 2 - 2024 FUSD Long Range Facilities Plan
Part 3 - 2024 FUSD Long Range Facilities Plan
The Board unanimously adopted the Long Range Facilities Plan.
15.2 Facilities & Measure E Program Update
On June 3, 2014, the voters of Fremont approved the $650 million Measure E general obligation bond initiative, under the requirements of Proposition 39 (2000) the School Facilities Local Vote Act. The scope of the bond work includes upgrading and repairing neighborhood schools by updating technology and aging classrooms; upgrading electrical wiring to current safety codes; fixing or replacing leaky roofs, aging plumbing and restrooms; removing asbestos; and repairing, constructing and acquiring equipment, classrooms, sites, and facilities.
On February 22, 2017, the Board of Trustees approved the revised Measure E Bond Implementation Plan.
On May 23, 2018, the Board received a presentation on the updated Measure E Bond Implementation Plan.
On December 10, 2019 the Board approved the updated budget allocation for the Group 2 and 3 projects and authorized staff to proceed with the Group 1 projects.
On October 25, 2023, the Board approved updated Measure E Group 1 project budgets and scope.
On July 31, 2024, the Board approved updated Measure E group 2 and 3 project budgets and scope.
Director of Facilities & Construction Adam Lint, Director of Maintenance Operations & Grounds Tom Ekman, and representatives from Cumming Group presented a Facilities & Measure E Bond Update covering: facilities finances, middle school conversion projects, elementary school modernization (Groups 1, 2, 3) projects, and updates on Fund 21 Non-Measure E projects and summer maintenance projects.
15.3 Adopt Resolution No. 013-2425 in Support of a State Facilities Bond in the November 2024 Election
A $10 billion state school bond will go before California Voters in the November 2024 election to fund school facilities improvements, from transitional kindergarten through community college. The measure is sponsored by the Coalition for Adequate School Housing, (CASH).
If voters pass the school facilities bond initiative, the measure would provide bonding authority to fund upgrades to aging facilities, build new facilities and invest in community college. Districts would receive state-matching reimbursements/funding for eligible projects.
On February 10, 2016, the Board adopted a resolution supporting the prior successful state facilities bond. Since 2016, the District has received over $90 million in funding from previous state facilities bonds. The funding for prior bonds have been depleted, thus requiring a new statewide bond.
The Board of Education is asked to adopt Resolution No. 013-2425 in support of Proposition 2: Kindergarten through Grade 12 Schools and Local Community College Public Education Facilities Modernization, Repair, and Safety Bond Act of 2024. This measure will not raise State taxes, and State matching funds provided through the measure will reduce the need for additional local property taxes for school facilities.
The Board unanimously adopted Resolution No. 013-2425 in Support of Proposition 2: Kindergarten through Grade 12 Schools and Local Community College Public Education Facilities Modernization, Repair, and Safety Bond Act of 2024.
15.4 Approve Amendments to the Agreement with Cumming Management Group for Construction Management Services for the Groups 2 and 3 Elementary School Modernization Projects
On June 3, 2014, the voters of Fremont approved the $650 million Measure E general obligation bond initiative, under the requirements of Proposition 39 (2000) the School Facilities Local Vote Act. The scope of the bond work includes upgrading and repairing neighborhood schools by updating technology and aging classrooms; upgrading electrical wiring to current safety codes; fixing or replacing leaky roofs, aging plumbing, and restrooms; removing asbestos; and repairing, constructing, and acquiring equipment, classrooms, sites, and facilities.
On March 22, 2023, the Board of Trustees (Board) approved Amendment #2 to the Agreement to finalize the scope, term, and cost for Program Management services, and language to allow Cumming Management Group (Previously “RGM Kramer” and “RGMK”) to contract for Construction Management services for projects over $100,000 via separate amendment.
On July 31, 2024, the Board approved the revised budgets for the Groups 2 and 3 Elementary School Modernization projects and authorized staff and consultants to proceed with the revised scope.
The Groups 2 and 3 Elementary School projects will be delivered via Multiple Prime Construction Manager (Multi-Prime CM). As opposed to a Single Prime Construction Manager delivery method, Multi-Prime CM has several trade packages (ex. Mechanical Trades, Plumbing Trades, Roofing Trades, Flooring Trades, etc.) in direct contract with the District with a Construction Manager providing oversight, coordination, general conditions, and management of the various trades in place of a general contractor (GC), in addition to providing construction management services in preconstruction, bidding, and construction. Multi-Prime CM has the added benefit of no GC overhead and profit, the CM having fiduciary duty to the District as an agent of the District, and increased quality due to prequalification of all main trade contractors, not just the general contractor.
The contracts are based off the estimated construction cost estimate approved by the Board. The CM fee portion of the contract, using the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) sliding fee scale, will be reconciled to the final contracted construction costs, increasing or decreasing the fee in comparison to the estimated construction cost.
The CM agreements with Cumming Management Group are as follow for the Groups 2 and 3 Elementary School Modernization Projects:
- Ardenwood ES Modernization: $265,726.00
- Cabrillo ES Modernization: $332,026.00
- Glenmoor ES Modernization: $335,800.00
- Warwick ES Modernization: $327,640.00
- Forest Park ES Modernization: $322,285.00
- Niles ES Modernization: $359,668.00
- Parkmont ES Modernization: $308,923.00
- Patterson ES Modernization: $292,807.00
The contracts total $2,544,875 and will come from their respective project budgets.
The contracts are professional service agreements, and as such, are not subject to the District’s Project Stabilization Agreement.
The Board unanimously approved amendments #14-21 to the agreement with Cumming Management Group for construction management services for the Groups 2 and 3 Elementary School Modernization projects.
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