Board Meeting Highlights: November 20, 2024 (Regular)

See the Meeting Agenda for a full listing of items considered and actions taken at this meeting:


  1. Agenda Approval: The Board approved the agenda with amendments, including modifications to item 11.4 and the tabling of certain positions.
  2. Consent Calendar: Several items were approved, including minutes, policies, staffing actions, purchase orders, and contracts for modernization projects.
  3. School Spotlight: Mission Valley Elementary School was highlighted, showcasing the school’s achievements through presentations by students and staff.
  4. Public Comments: Speakers advocated for preserving key staff positions, updating the library staffing formula, and re-evaluating the School Resource Officer (SRO) program. Support was also voiced for exploring new revenue options like a parcel tax and independent study programs.
  5. Budget and Financial Planning: Trustees discussed budget balancing scenarios, including potential staffing reductions and funding reassignments. They requested clearer information on restricted versus general funds and emphasized the importance of engaging with bargaining units.
  6. Board Decisions:
    • Technology Advisory Committee: Three members were appointed.
    • Math Pathway Proposal: Trustees reviewed the updated proposal and raised concerns about flexibility in course offerings.
    • Wellness Committee Bylaws: The Board decided to maintain the existing bylaws with adjustments to voting members.
    • Compensation Proposal: Approved a compensation proposal between FUSD and the Fremont School Management Association.
    • Patterson Property Purchase: The Board selected City Venture LLC’s proposal for purchase.
    • Centerville Middle School Project: The Board accepted the termination of leases and quitclaim deed for the project.
    • Board Policies Review: Policies for instructional sections 6000-6154 were reviewed and amended.
  7. Student Expulsions: Two student expulsions were approved unanimously.
  8. Government Planning: Trustees provided updates on events they attended, including a Diwali celebration.

The meeting concluded with unanimous approval for all motions discussed.

Board Meeting Highlights