Board Meeting Highlights: February 22, 2023 (Regular)

Board Members

Vivek Prasad, President
Yajing Zhang, Vice President
Larry Sweeney, Clerk
Dianne Jones, Member
Sharon Coco, Member
Sissi Zhang, Student Member

Meeting Agenda

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Next Meeting

The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for March 8, 2023 at 6:00pm; time subject to change.

Fremont Unified School District

Board Meeting Highlights

February 22, 2023 (Regular)

Trustee Larry Sweeney was unable to attend the meeting, all votes were amongst remaining Trustees.

7.1 Superintendent Report

Superintendent CJ Cammack shared that six of our schools – Weibel, Forest Park, Chadbourne, Azevada, Warm Springs, Mission Valley – were honored by the CDE and the State Superintendent of Schools as 2023 Distinguished Schools at a statewide celebration in Anaheim. He thanked President Prasad for joining the event.

He also shared that Roberson High School was recognized as a Model Continuation School - one of only 37 schools in the state to receive this designation. Congratulations to the Robertson community, staff, and students.

7.2 Student Member Report

Student Member Sissi Zhang reported that some high schools celebrated Love Week last week, and shared other school-specific updates. SURFBoardE is preparing for its open forum on March 1 and a District event on March 6.