Board Meeting Highlights: November 15, 2022 (Special)

Board Members

Dianne Jones, President
Vivek Prasad, Vice President
Yajing Zhang, Clerk
Desrie Campbell, Member
Larry Sweeney, Member
Sissi Zhang, Student Member

Meeting Agenda

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The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for December 14, 2022 at 6:30pm; time subject to change.

Fremont Unified School District

Board Meeting Highlights

November 15, 2022 (Special)

7.1 Consideration of Approval of a Public Construction Bid for the Kennedy High School Modernization Project

On June 3, 2014, the voters of Fremont approved the $650 million Measure E general obligation bond initiative, under the requirements of Proposition 39 (2000) the School Facilities Local Vote Act. The scope of the bond work includes upgrading and repairing neighborhood schools by updating technology and aging classrooms; upgrading electrical wiring to current safety codes; fixing or replacing leaky roofs, aging plumbing and restrooms; removing asbestos; and repairing, constructing and acquiring equipment, classrooms, sites, and facilities.

On October 25, 2017, the Board of Trustees authorized staff to enter into an agreement for architectural services for the modernization projects at Kennedy.

On December 10, 2019, the Board approved the updated budget allocation and authorized staff to proceed with Group 1 projects. Kennedy's project budget allocation was $25,502,130. The Board also asked staff to return to a future meeting with a recommendation on the Kennedy modernization project.

On March 11, 2020, the Board of Trustees received a presentation on the modernization project at Kennedy and provided approval to expand the scope of work and move the project up to Group 1. Additional scope included site requests and community requested changes, which included additional modification to HVAC upgrades, the music performance space, exterior lighting, and landscape modifications.

The project received Division of State Architect (DSA) approval on July 20, 2022 and was advertised to the public by Fremont Unified on July 21, 2022. The bid documents (plans and specifications) were made available on July 22, 2022.

On August 22, 2022 three sealed bids were received by FUSD staff for the modernization project at Kennedy High School.

On November 9, 2022, District staff made a recommendation to reject all of the bids, given that the lowest responsible bid exceeded the remaining project budget as allocated in Measure E. The Staff recommendation included a suggestion to return to the design team to develop potential options that would either stay within budget or possibly re-evaluate the project's scope if additional funds were to be allocated.

The Board of Education took no action on November 9, 2022, but provided direction to staff to prepare an agenda item for a Special Meeting designed to allow for the lowest responsible bid to be awarded.

Based on the direction provided at the November 9, 2022, Board of Education meeting, staff are presenting this item for Board consideration. If the Trustees accept the low bid, additional funds will need to be allocated to the project.

Staff recommend allocation of $15.8 million to be allocated for the bid amount with the current scope, but also to cover anticipated additional costs for roofing.

The Board unanimously approved the lowest bid for the Kennedy High School modernization project, and approved an allocation of $15.8 million from Measure E; $15.8 million from Fund 25 will be used to replace these funds in Measure E on other, allowable projects for which Kennedy’s modernization is not eligible.