Board Meeting Highlights: November 9, 2022 (Regular)

Board Members

Dianne Jones, President
Vivek Prasad, Vice President
Yajing Zhang, Clerk
Desrie Campbell, Member
Larry Sweeney, Member
Sissi Zhang, Student Member

Meeting Agenda

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The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for December 14, 2022 at 6:30pm; time subject to change.

Fremont Unified School District

Board Meeting Highlights

November 9, 2022 (Regular)

7.1 Superintendent Report

Superintendent CJ Cammack reported that he attended a 49ers Varsity Youth Flag Football event at Tak Stadium over the weekend, was grateful to the 49ers for making that event possible. Last week he attended the Association of California School Administrators State Council meeting in San Diego to work with fellow superintendents on support for students and staff statewide. He visited three sites today, including Mattos Elementary - where the Welcoming Crew put on gloves (Mickey Mouse, Hulk, etc.) and greeted students with fist bumps.

7.2 Student Member Report

Student Member Sissi Zhang reported that League of Leaders, a conference for our high schools’ student leadership, will be hosted soon at Washington High School. She reported items for each site. SURFBoardE will host an open forum for all students after Thanksgiving break.

10.3 Approve New Course Proposals for Junior High/Middle School and High School

This item was pulled from the Consent Calendar and heard separately.

Secondary schools annually submit requests for new courses of study to be added to the course catalog. These proposed new courses are to be offered are as follows:

  • Handicrafts: Hopkins Junior High
  • Broadcast Journalism: Thornton Junior High
  • Gaming Concepts: American High School
  • Explorations in Data Science: Kennedy High School
  • Introduction to Financial Literacy: Kennedy High School
  • Computer Science Principles for Mathematics: Robertson High School

The Board unanimously approved the proposals.

15.1 Approve the 2023 Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan

Assistant Director Steve Musto presented on the 2022 CCEIS Plan.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires states and local education agencies to take steps to address disproportionate representation. Disproportionality refers to the “overrepresentation” of a particular racial or ethnic group in one of four areas:

  1. special education in general;
  2. special education within a specific disability category;
  3. disciplinary action; or
  4. more restrictive environments.

When a school district is disproportionate in any of the above areas for specific ethnic groups over a three year period, the district is deemed significantly disproportionate and must undergo the process of developing a Comprehensive Coordinating Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan.

In March of 2021, the California Department of Education determined that Fremont Unified School District is significantly disproportionate in the following areas:

  • identification of white students in the eligibility category of other health impairment
  • identification of white students in the eligibility category of emotional disturbance
  • identification of Hispanic students in the eligibility category of specific learning disability

As a result, the District is required to submit a CCEIS plan to address these three areas over a 27-month period with the goal of decreasing identification of students in these ethnic and eligibility categories.

A CCEIS focus group was formed in May of 2022 to begin work on this task.  The group met over many months and was comprised of educational partners across all areas including administrators, teachers, service providers, parents, students and community members. The group collected data, formed a theory as to what root causes potentially led to the significant disproportionality, and developed an action plan to address the three areas.

The Board unanimously approved the 2023 Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) plan for submission to the California Department of Education.

15.2 Receive a Presentation on the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) from the 2021-2022 School Year

Director of Student Support Services Greg Bailey presented FUSD’s California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) results.

During the 2021-22 school year, fifth grade students participated in and completed the CHKS during the regular school day. CHKS is an anonymous, confidential survey of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency.  The survey results enable schools and districts to collect and analyze data regarding local youth health risks and behaviors, school connectedness, school climate, protective factors and school violence. Click here to view the full report.

This was an informational item, no action was taken.

15.7 Authorize Staff to Reject All Bids Received for the Kennedy High School Modernization Project

On June 3, 2014, the voters of Fremont approved the $650 million Measure E general obligation bond initiative, under the requirements of Proposition 39 (2000) the School Facilities Local Vote Act. The scope of the bond work includes upgrading and repairing neighborhood schools by updating technology and aging classrooms; upgrading electrical wiring to current safety codes; fixing or replacing leaky roofs, aging plumbing and restrooms; removing asbestos; and repairing, constructing and acquiring equipment, classrooms, sites, and facilities.

On October 25, 2017, the Board of Trustees authorized staff to enter into an agreement for architectural services for the modernization projects at Kennedy.

On December 10, 2019, the Board approved the updated budget allocation and authorized staff to proceed with Group 1 projects. Kennedy's project budget allocation was $25,502,130. The Board also asked staff to return to a future meeting with a recommendation on the Kennedy modernization project.

On March 11, 2020, the Board of Trustees received a presentation on the modernization project at Kennedy and provided approval to expand the scope of work and move the project up to increment one. Changes include additional modification to HVAC Upgrades, music performance space, exterior lighting, and landscape modifications.

Three sealed bids were received by FUSD staff on August 22, 2022 for the Modernization project at Kennedy High School. Given that the low bid exceeds the remaining project budget, staff recommends that the Board of Education reject all bids for the project. The design team will meet to discuss potential options to move forward with this project that meets the available budget.

It should be noted that the rejection of the bids does not mean the Kennedy High School Project is rejected. Rather, it means that we will review how to best move forward with our commitment to the student and staff of Kennedy while seeking close alignment with established budgets and overall Measure E plans.

The Board did not take action on this item, and asked that the item return for Trustees to consider accepting one of the submitted bids and/or receive other options. This topic will be discussed at a Special Meeting of the Board on November 15, 2022.