Board Meeting Highlights: October 26, 2022 (Regular)

Board Members

Dianne Jones, President
Vivek Prasad, Vice President
Yajing Zhang, Clerk
Desrie Campbell, Member
Larry Sweeney, Member
Sissi Zhang, Student Member

Meeting Agenda

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The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2022 at 6:30pm; time subject to change.

Fremont Unified School District

Board Meeting Highlights

October 26, 2022 (Regular)

7.1 Superintendent Report

Superintendent CJ Cammack announced FUSD received 11th fully electric school bus today, the electric fleet has been purchased by state grants. FUSD re-launched its aspiring administrators academy last week. FEF has been at sites awarding grants this week. Robertson High School was acknowledged as a Model PLC School, the only continuation school to receive the designation. Acknowledged Christy Taylor for being a finalist for California’s Teacher of the Year. Yesterday we experienced and responded to an earthquake - will improve where we can.

7.2 Student Member Report

Student Member Sissi Zhang reported that Homecoming has gone well for all schools that have already celebrated, thanked the students, staff and others who helped make these events happen.

15.1 Agreements between Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) and California School Employees Association (CSEA)

A public hearing was held on June 2, 2021, to present sunshine proposals from FUSD and CSEA on article re-openers.

FUSD and CSEA have reached tentative agreements that include:

The Board unanimously approved the tentative agreements between FUSD and CSEA.

15.5 ACOE Teacher Residency Program

Special Education has historically been one of the most difficult areas for schools to staff with credentialed teachers across the nation, across the state, and within Fremont USD.

Board Policy 4111 states that "It shall be the general policy of the Board of Education to employ on the instructional staff only those persons who hold at least a bachelor’s degree and a State Credential."

The current nation-wide and state-side teacher shortage has exacerbated the current special education teacher shortage in FUSD. In the 2022-23 school year, Fremont USD has 22 special education teaching positions filled by individuals without a State Credential.

In order to address the current shortage of special education teachers within Fremont USD, Human Resources and Special Education staff are recommending that Fremont USD enter into partnership with the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) through the ACOE Teacher Residency Program. The partnership would begin with the immediate recruitment of residents and mentor teachers. Over the following three school years (2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26), the program would support 15 residents (five each year) in earning their Education Specialist Credentials in the area of Mild/Moderate disabilities and their masters degrees. Credentials and masters degrees are earned in one year with classes being held one day per week at the ACOE in Hayward. The remaining four days per week are spent co-teaching with a mentor teacher. Residents are expected to teach in Fremont USD upon completion of the program and upon receiving an offer of employment. Training and a $3,000 stipend are provided to each mentor teacher for each year that they serve.

The Board unanimously approved participation in the ACOE Teacher Residency Program to secure 15 Special Education teachers over 3 years.

15.8 Authorize Staff to Purchase Furnishings for Rix-Glankler Early Learning Center

After the opening of Rix-Glankler Early Learning Center in August 2022, it was found that the student chairs and tables were too tall for the students to use. The furniture was sized for kindergarten sized students (age 5), rather than for students younger than age 5.

Staff requests Board authorization to purchase the needed furnishings for Rix-Glankler Early Learning Center in the amount of $37,719.71 from the vendor One Workplace. The kindergarten sized furniture will be used at another school site as the District expands TK/K and classes.

The Board unanimously approved the purchase of this furniture.

15.4 High School Program - Course Offerings Updates

Director of Secondary Education Jesús Jiménez presented information regarding graduation requirements, course offerings and sections by school site, as well as Advanced Placement (AP) course offerings. In addition, each comprehensive high school listed specific programs to support student academic achievement as well as student wellness and connectedness to school.

Trustees requested an agenda item for discussion on the scope of courses offered throughout our comprehensive high schools. It is noted that our award-winning schools of Robertson and Vista are not included in this review due to the unique aspects of their alternative school and independent study requirements and regulations.

Every year each secondary school builds a comprehensive master schedule intended to meet the needs of all students. The schedules are designed to meet FUSD graduation requirements and allow appropriate course offerings for our diverse student population. Our secondary schools follow the appropriate and necessary provisions of the FUSD-FUDTA collective bargaining agreement in addition to board policies and administrative regulations to create each master schedule with all the various course offerings.

This was an information item, no vote was taken. Review of course offerings at comprehensive high schools will be undertaken by the administration at these sites and the Director of Secondary Education to produce possible options for review by the Board and/or other bodies, such as the Equity Committee.