Board Meeting Highlights: September 28, 2022 (Regular)

Board Members

Dianne Jones, President
Vivek Prasad, Vice President
Yajing Zhang, Clerk
Desrie Campbell, Member
Larry Sweeney, Member
Sissi Zhang, Student Member

Meeting Agenda

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The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for October 12, 2022 at 6:30pm; time subject to change.

Fremont Unified School District

Board Meeting Highlights

September 28, 2022 (Regular)

7.1 Superintendent Report

Superintendent CJ Cammack acknowledged sites for their great work. Visits to schools remind him how important it is to thank our staff for their work to meet the needs of each student, which is remarkable.

7.2 Student Member Report

Student Member Sissi Zhang reported that all high schools are hosting Spirit Week and Homecoming celebrations. SURFBoardE is also visiting middle schools/junior highs to promote participation in SURFBoardE when those students promote to high school.

15.1 Receive Information from Summer 2022 Program

Director of Elementary Education Robin Sehrt and Director of Special Education Fran English presented an update related to 2022 summer program offerings and student performance in those programs. They also acknowledged the work of staff and program principals for their work.

Over the summer of 2022, FUSD offered programs for students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels for students in need of academic support:

  • Elementary Summer Academy
  • Junior High/Middle School Summer Math Academy
  • Extended School Year
  • Credit Recovery

These programs were targeted toward improving academic performance in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) & Math for elementary and middle school and recouping units at the high school level.

This was an informational item and no Board action was taken.

15.2 Receive Preliminary California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Results Type Discussion, Information, Presentation

Director of Assessment and Accountability Elie Wasser presented FUSD’s 2021-22 CAASPP preliminary assessment data.

On January 1, 2014, California Education Code Section 60640 established the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) system of assessments. The CAASPP system includes the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Summative Assessments and the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) which are administered to FUSD students in grades 3-8 and 11. In addition, CAASPP includes the California Science Test (CAST) for students in grades 5, 8, and one administration in high school. All CAASPP assessments are typically administered during the spring of each school year. The tests are comprehensive end of the year assessments of grade-level learning that measure progress toward college and career readiness.

CAASPP data for the 2021-22 school year are preliminary and are subject to change. Statewide results are still undergoing a review and validation process to ensure reliability and completeness across all LEAs. Final data for the CAASPP, as well as aggregate statewide results, are expected to be released publicly by the California Department of Education (CDE) in October, ahead of the California School Dashboard expected in December.

This was an informational item and no Board action was taken.

15.6 Hold Public Hearing on Instructional Materials and Adopt Resolution 014-2223: Sufficiency of Instructional Materials

California Education Code 60119 requires districts to hold a public hearing by the eighth week of school to make a determination, through a resolution, to ensure that every pupil in each school in the district:

  1. Is provided with sufficient textbooks and other instructional materials to use in the class, and to take home, in the core areas, foreign language, health and science laboratory equipment for grades 9-12
  2. Has instructional materials that are aligned to the content standards adopted pursuant to Section 60605 in each of the following subjects (listed below), as appropriate, and
  3. Has instructional materials that are consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the State.

Core Instructional Materials:

  1. Reading/Language Arts, including the English Language Development component of an adopted program
  2. Mathematics
  3. Science
  4. History-Social Science
  5. Foreign Language and Health
  6. Science laboratory equipment for grades 9-12

For the purposes of the hearing, sufficient textbooks or instructional materials is defined as, “Each pupil, including English Learners, has standards-aligned textbooks or instructional materials, or both, to use in class and to take home.” This requirement does not necessitate two sets of textbooks.

A public notice was published in The Argus on September 15, 2022. This notice was also posted in the front office window of the Fremont Unified School District and posted on the District website, all within the mandated 10-day timeframe before the hearing.

The Board held a Public Hearing on the sufficiency of standards-aligned textbooks and/or instructional materials, and unanimously adopted Resolution 014-2223 that states for the 2022-2023 school year, the Fremont Unified School District has provided each pupil with sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials consistent with the styles and content of the curriculum frameworks.