Negotiations Update: FUSD/FUDTA Sessions 1-18, update as of June 13, 2024 

Scroll down to find the update for each session.

Posted June 13, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Sessions 17 & 18 - June 7 & 13, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on June 7 & 13, 2024 for the seventeenth and eighteenth sessions of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD Proposals and Information Provided - June 13, 2024

The District presented a package of proposals for Article 7, Article 12, Article 22, Article 23, Article 24, Article 30, Article 36, Article 39, and Article 40 as a package to be accepted or rejected in its entirety:

  • Should parties reach agreement, all open articles will be closed for the remainder of the terms of the 2024-2027 FUSD-FUDTA collective bargaining agreement unless otherwise specified within the language of the tentative agreement.
  • Article 7 - Hours - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • Language with the goal of creating collaborative bell schedules on a three (3) year cycle.
  • Article 12 - Class Size - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • Lowering the goals for ELD and SDC classes.
  • Article 22 - Calendar - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • Beginning in the 25-26 school year, consistent family conference schedules with strategically placed PD/grading days and jointly planned PD topics.
  • Article 23 - Fringe Benefits - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • The District will cover 100% of the unit member’s dental premium.
  • Article 24 - Salary - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • A one-time, off-schedule payment of two and a half percent (2.5%).
  • Article 30 - Complaints - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • Simplifying the process, focusing on a solution at the lowest level, and creating communication standards.
  • Article 36 - Special Education - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • Increasing the number of school psychologists by 3.0 FTE.
  • Article 39 - Preschool - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • Increasing the hourly and overall compensation for preschool teachers.
  • Article 40 - Nurses - FUSD proposed the following as part of the package:
    • Increasing the number of FTE for nurses from ten (10) to fifteen (15).

FUDTA Proposals Provided - June 7, 2024

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

FUDTA and FUSD continue to work collaboratively to resolve open articles.

The next negotiations sessions are scheduled for August of 2024.

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Guest Consultant:

  • Teri Sorensen, Counselor, American High School

Posted May 28, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 16 - May 24, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on May 24, 2024 for the sixteenth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD Proposals and Information Provided - May 24, 2024

  • Article 30 - Public Complaints - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • FUSD countered FUDTA’s most recent proposal with language that simplifies the process, focuses on a solution at the lowest level, and creates communication standards.
  • Article 7 - Hours - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • FUSD moved away from the proposal to ensure an equitable length of the workday for teachers given that FUDTA noted disparate workday lengths between the elementary/middle and high school teachers are not of concern.
    • FUSD countered with language that will ensure more consistency in bell schedules across the District and language which ensures grades and progress information are updated regularly and in a consistent manner across the TK-12 system.
  • Article 9 - Transfers, Reassignments, and Surplusing - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • FUSD and FUDTA have continued to make progress on this article.
    • In the most recent counter proposal FUSD continues to propose language that limits the number of transfers a teacher can be granted in a school year to two (2), however a teacher can request an unlimited number of transfers.
    • FUSD also countered that both Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA) and Program Specialist positions would not be open to transfer without an employee first being interviewed by the manager due to the unique nature of these positions.
  • Article 36 - Special Education - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • FUSD believes that when new curriculum and/or tools for assessments are adopted our employees should be given this information to improve their practice and support positive outcomes for students. To this end, FUSD has proposed language requiring employees to attend professional development in these cases.
  • Questions and Comments re: FUDTA Article 24 - Salary Proposal:

FUDTA Proposals Provided - May 24, 2024

  • Article 40 - Nurses - FUDTA proposed the following: 
    • Proposed an increase to 16 nurses from 10 nurses in the current CBA.
  • Article 8 - Leaves - FUDTA proposed the following: 
    • FUSD and FUDTA have agreed to language in this article and both parties continue to work on the remaining language.

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

FUDTA and FUSD continue to work collaboratively to resolve open articles.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for June 13, 2024.

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School

Guest Consultants:

  • Corey Brown, Director, Curriculum and Instruction
  • Fran English, Director, Special Education Services
  • Christie Rocha, Director, Federal & State Programs
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Guest Consultant:

  • Raymond Santos, Program Specialist

Posted May 14, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 15 - May 13, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on May 13, 2024 for the fifteenth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD Proposals and Information Provided - May 13, 2024

  • Article 40 - Nurses - FUSD proposed the following (following FUDTA’s proposal linked below): 
    • Proposed 12 nurses, increasing by 2 from the current contract language of 10.
  • Article 10 - Evaluation - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • Revising dates to account for a mid-August start to the school year.
    • Revising evaluation forms in line with up-to-date standards and practices for professional educators.
    • Adding specific evaluation forms for Speech and Language Pathologists as well as Program Specialists aligned with the scope of work.
  • Comparison of Article 7 - Hours Proposals - FUSD and FUDTA have discussed Article 7 multiple times this year, one area of discussion has included work hours (elementary & secondary). FUSD provided the linked document to highlight some of the key aspects of the respective proposals from both parties, variance in work hours, and intended outcomes of the District’s prior proposal. Currently high school teachers, when calculated by hours, work roughly 15.5 more days per school year. The parties have not yet reached agreement on this article and FUSD is slated to provide the next counter offer.
  • Article 42 - Teachers on Special Assignment - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • Proposed definitions of the TOSA roles and responsibilities.

FUDTA Proposals Provided - May 13, 2024

  • Article 40 - Nurses - FUDTA proposed the following (FUSD’s subsequent counter proposal is linked above): 
    • Proposed an increase to 18 nurses from 10 nurses in the current CBA.
  • Article 9 - Transfers, Reassignments, Surplusing - FUDTA proposed the following: 
    • Proposed reverting to existing collective bargaining agreement language.
  • Article 36 - Special Education - FUDTA proposed the following: 
    • Proposed per diem pay, in stead of the hourly rate, for educators who fill in or support absent educators.
  • Article 30 - Public Complaints - FUDTA proposed the following: 
    • Proposed changes to the District’s original proposal.
    • Allows unit member to decide to start at Step I or Step II upon receipt of complaint; maintains requirement for complainant to meet with the unit member at Step I if applicable, or the complaint is dropped.
  • Article 23 - Fringe Benefits - FUDTA proposed the following: 
    • Proposed the same language which was initially proposed on January 29, 2024 which includes monetary contributions to defray the cost of dental and medical benefits for educators.

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

FUDTA and FUSD continue to work collaboratively to resolve open articles.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for May 24, 2024 .

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School
  • Raymond Santos, Program Specialist

Posted May 6, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 14 - May 3, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on May 3, 2024 for the fourteenth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

Tentative Agreements (TA)

(All TA’s are subject to future ratification of FUDTA members and FUSD Board of Education)

  • Article 41 - COIL - reached on May 3, 2024

FUSD Proposals Provided - May 3, 2024

  • FUSD received counter proposals from FUDTA which are key to allowing FUSD to provide additional proposals at our next session, May 13, 2024.

FUDTA Proposals Provided - May 3, 2024

  • Article 38 - Counselors - FUDTA proposed the following: 
    • Language that ensures that the District maintains elementary counselors. FUSD has every interest in maintaining the elementary counselors, which FUSD put in place upon return from the pandemic. The funding used to secure our elementary counselors is one time funding and therefore we will continue to search for available ongoing funding to continue this valuable program, if possible.
    • FUDTA also proposed counselor ratios which are part of the overall cost of FUDTA’s combined proposals received January 29, 2024 totaling approximately $168 million of new and ongoing expenses.
  • Article 39 - Preschool - FUDTA proposed the following: 
    • A salary schedule for state preschool teachers with steps and columns. Currently, preschool teachers are paid an hourly rate for their service. State preschool teachers, unlike TK - 12 teachers, are not required to possess a California Teaching Credential and therefore preschool teachers are not part of the teachers certificated salary schedule. The funding for this program is dependent on a state grant, not the Local Control Funding Formula.

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

FUDTA and FUSD continue to work collaboratively to resolve open articles.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for May 13, 2024 .

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School
  • Teri Sorensen, Counselor, American High School
  • Raymond Santos, Program Specialist

Posted April 30, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 13 - April 29, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on April 29, 2024 for the thirteenth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

Tentative Agreements (TA)

(All TA’s are subject to future ratification of FUDTA members and FUSD Board of Education)

  • Article 37 - Agreement - reached on April 29, 2024 - Updates language to include a broader and more inclusive description of goals around diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Appendix E - reached on April 29, 2024 - Increases stipends for extracurricular activities and athletic activities

FUSD Proposals Provided - April 29, 2024

  • Article 9 - Transfers, Reassignments, and Surplusing - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Ensuring FUDTA members have up to two opportunities to transfer per school year but not unlimited transfer opportunities.
    • Ensure teachers in a TOSA position do not simply transfer to the position while unaware of the unique scope of the work they will engage in which includes providing professional development to colleagues and working to support at promise students

FUDTA Proposals Provided - April 29, 2024

  • Article 7 - Hours - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • FUDTA reverted to existing contract language in much of this article. FUSD remains concerned that there is existing language in the collective bargaining agreement which, if not corrected, may negatively impact certificated FUSD employees going forward
  • Article 9 - Transfers, Reassignments, and Surplusing - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • Return to existing contract language which allows for unlimited number of transfer requests in a school year for members
  • Article 22- Calendar - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • FUDTA largely reverted to existing collective bargaining agreement language while proposing language related to conferences for high school teachers which FUSD believes will be problematic for employees STRS retirement calculations.

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

FUDTA and FUSD continue to work collaboratively to resolve open articles.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for May 3, 2024 .

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School
  • Teri Sorensen, Counselor, American High School
  • Raymond Santos, Program Specialist

Posted April 26, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 12 - April 26, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on April 26, 2024 for the twelfth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD Proposals Provided - April 26, 2024

  • Article 41 - COIL - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Agreement on most language changes
    • Parties continue to negotiate language related to optional additional duties
  • Article 13 - Unit Member Safety and Protection - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Parties have agreed to aspects of language in this article
    • Parties continue to work on language related to responses to student behavior and requirements related to transporting students to and from school-related activities

FUDTA Proposals Provided - April 26, 2024

  • Article 11 - Working Conditions - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • Already agreed upon TK/K language incorporated
    • Agreed to language changes from “junior high school” to “middle school”
    • Parties continue to negotiate other language related to secondary grading timelines and required workspace materials
  • Article 42 - Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • Agreement on remaining language for two areas relating to wording used
    • Reverted to original language in two articles that have yet to be agreed to by both parties
    • Reverted to elementary workday minutes, which vary in length from the secondary workday

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for April 29, 2024 .

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Posted April 19, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 11 - April 19, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on April 19, 2024 for the eleventh session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD Proposals Provided - April 19, 2024

  • Counter Proposal - Article 12- Class Size - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • FUSD largely reverted to existing contract language given the need for significant budget reductions in 2025-2026, as described in the recent Board of Education Meeting. FUDTA’s proposals related to class size would create significant increased ongoing costs, above and beyond the existing need for budget reductions. FUSD did agree to make changes related to Ed Code and reflecting changes to middle schools.
  • Counter Proposal - Article 24 - Salary - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • FUSD presented a review of current and future budget conditions for the 23/24, 24/25, and 25/26 school years, outlining how the ending fund balance would be spent down to maintain existing programs and personnel for the 2024/2025 school year.
    • After reviewing FUSD’s fiscal condition and projections, FUSD made the following proposal:
      • Effective July 1, 2024 unit members will receive a one time, off schedule payment of one percent (1%).

FUDTA Proposals Provided - April 19, 2024

  • The FUDTA team did not provide any proposals or counter proposals today

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for April 26, 2024 .

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Fran English, Director, Special Education Services
  • Christie Rocha, Director, Federal & State Programs
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School
  • Teri Sorensen, Counselor, American High School
  • Raymond Santos, Program Specialist

Posted March 22, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 10 - March 22, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on March 22, 2024 for the tenth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD Proposals Provided - March 22, 2024

FUSD responded to FUDTA’s initial proposals on additional counseling staff, more nurses, health and welfare benefits, and special education. Due to the current fiscal crisis at the State level and because of the potential costs associated with FUDTA’s proposals, FUSD’s proposals maintained current staffing levels to support existing program offerings. The District agrees that smaller ratios, additional counseling staff, more nurses, and health care benefit stipends are outcomes the District would like to explore when our fiscal condition improves. In previous negotiations sessions the District has shared that FUDTA’s proposals would exacerbate the District's existing structural budget deficit.

FUDTA Proposals Provided - March 22, 2024

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for April 10, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • FUDTA Proposals to FUSD:
    • FUDTA will review articles to include for the next agenda.
  • FUSD Proposals to FUDTA:
    • Article 12 - Class Size
    • Article 24 - Salary

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Fran English, Director, Special Education Services
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School
  • Teri Sorensen, Counselor, American High School

Posted March 11, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 9 - March 11, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on March 11, 2024 for the ninth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD shared with FUDTA that work on Article 10 - Evaluations is progressing well. FUDTA indicated that they would like to see evaluation forms developed for Speech & Language Pathologists, Teachers on Special Assignment and Program Specialists given that these positions do not currently have evaluation forms specific to the unique skills these professionals deliver.

Tentative Agreements (TA)

(All TA’s are subject to future ratification of FUDTA members and FUSD Board of Education)

FUDTA Proposals Provided - March 4, 2024

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for March 22, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • FUDTA Proposals to FUSD:
    • Article 13 Unit Member Safety
    • Article 42 Teachers on Special Assignment
  • FUSD Proposals to FUDTA:
    • Additional language related to Article 10 Evaluations
    • Article 23 Fringe Benefits
    • Article 24 Salary
    • Article 36 Special Education
    • Article 38 Counselors
    • Article 39 Preschool
    • Article 40 Nurses
    • Appendix E

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Posted March 4, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 8 - March 4, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on March 4, 2024 for the eighth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD and FUDTA spent time discussing and clarifying FUDTA’s prior Article 8 (Leaves) proposal, and also further discussing questions from FUDTA regarding FUSD’s proposal on Article 7 (Hours)

The FUSD team shared remarks with the FUDTA team about a recent story about Dr. Victor Rios, a sociology professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr. Rios, who grew up in Oakland, was heavily involved in gang activity during his adolescent years and found himself dealing with law enforcement as a result of his decisions. Dr. Rios credits his success to a teacher in high school who cared about him, encouraged him, and ensured that he knew she was there to help him succeed. This served as a reminder for both teams of the impact effective educators have on the lives of students.

The FUSD team further noted that public education is underfunded in California and that this can be a point of contention around the bargaining table due to the existing agreed upon needs exceeding the availability of resources. The FUSD team shared that the FUSD second interim budget report will be presented on March 13, 2024 during the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting, and FUSD and FUDTA will be preparing to discuss items which are finance-related in future sessions.

FUSD proposed that FUDTA and FUSD bring the California Teachers Association (CTA) and School Services of California together in order to analyze the FUSD budget and inform both FUDTA and FUSD about what they see as the fiscal realities for the District going forward.

FUSD communicated to FUDTA that the District wishes to remain a partner and work collaboratively on solutions to the issues both teams collectively face so that all educators can continue their impactful work supporting students such as Victor Rios.

FUSD Proposals Provided - March 4, 2024

  • Proposal - Article 10 - Evaluations - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Updating deadlines to align with earlier start in school year
    • Removing Advisory Committee language as it is not a currently utilized committee
    • Evaluation forms for Speech Language Pathologists, Program Specialists, and Teachers on Special Assignment
  • Counter Proposal - Article 8 - Leaves - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Provide each FUDTA member with a leaves consultation upon request
    • Align language to California Family Rights Act (CFRA), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and California Education Code
    • Agree to changes in ordering and language for clarity

FUDTA Proposals Provided - March 4, 2024

  • Counter Proposal - Article 1 - Agreement - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • Agreed to negotiate a three-year contract
    • Agreed to voting language changes
    • Agreed to changing timelines due to earlier (August) school start
    • Did not agree to remove asterisks from collective bargaining agreement, asterisks denote language that is newly added to the collective bargaining agreement

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for March 11, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • FUDTA Proposals to FUSD:
    • FUDTA will continue to work on article responses in preparation for the next session
  • FUSD Proposals to FUDTA:
    • Article 1 - Agreement

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Posted March 1, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 7 - March 1, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on March 1, 2024 for the seventh session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

FUSD and FUDTA spent time discussing FUSD’s proposals on Article 7 (Hours) and Article 22 (Calendar) which were presented on February 23, 2024.

FUDTA expressed concern that the FUSD proposals may present hardships for their members by establishing a 7-hour workday for all teachers, and FUDTA provided feedback to the FUSD team about other general and specific concerns with the proposals presented, including concerns about potential impacts for the recruitment and retention of educators, and a desire to better acknowledge and honor their work as professional educators with acknowledgement for the magnitude of demands and responsibilities educators must manage over the course of their work.

FUSD reviewed the core intentions of their proposals for Article 7 and 22, and the desire to create more alignment and uniformity across all 44 schools and programs, the proposal outlines the following:

  • Addressing variance in workday length for all teachers under the current model.
  • Repurpose two family conference days to convert them to a protected workday in August for classroom set up, and a workday in January for grading.
  • Conferences would take place on shortened student days, and fall within the proposed teacher workday.
  • An overall increase in preparation time each week for elementary teachers with no changes proposed for secondary preparation time.
  • A reduction in the additional required hours from 37 to 30 hours to account for more tasks taking place during the workday.
  • Utilizing other forms of supervision for athletic and visual and performing arts events, relieving teachers of this additional responsibility.

The teams also reviewed Article 8 (Leaves) and discussed questions regarding recent proposals; FUSD sought to clarify some FUDTA-proposed language to ensure common understanding around areas where the parties have not reached agreement.

Both FUSD and FUDTA teams continue to work through the proposals related to these articles.

Tentative Agreements (TA)

(All TA’s are subject to future ratification of FUDTA members and FUSD Board of Education)

FUSD Proposals Provided - March 1, 2024

  • Counter Proposal - Article 9 - Transfers, Reassignments, and Surplusing - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Unit members have unlimited number of transfer requests, but can only be granted one transfer per year
    • Limit the ability for teachers to transfer into a Teacher on Special Assignments (TOSA) assignment when surplussing occurs
  • Counter Proposal - Article 11 - Working Conditions - FUSD proposed the following:
    • TK and Kinder MOU language incorporated
    • Secondary grading period to occur within one day of end of semester because of the proposed grading day in Article 22
    • FUSD is not able to cover liability for unit members when cars are parked on City of Fremont streets
    • FUSD agrees to provide a working computer, email address, and appropriate online curriculum resources

FUDTA Proposals Provided - March 1, 2024

  • Counter Proposal - Article 21 - General - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • FUDTA agreed to many language changes and strikeouts throughout the article. Tentative agreement was reached and noted above.

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for March 4, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • FUDTA Proposals to FUSD:
    • Article 1 - Agreement
  • FUSD Proposals to FUDTA:
    • Article 8 - Leaves
    • Article 10 - Evaluations

Both FUDTA and FUSD will continue to discuss Article 7 and Article 8.

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Posted February 23, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 6 - February 23, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on February 23, 2024 for the sixth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

Items presented and/or discussed between the parties (FUDTA and FUSD) included the following:

Tentative Agreements (TA)

(All TA’s are subject to future ratification of FUDTA members and FUSD Board of Education)

FUSD Proposals Provided - February 23, 2024

  • Article 1 - Agreement - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • Agreement for three years
    • Unit member voting is a majority of votes
    • Temporary and Probationary Status - alignment to Education Code
  • FUSD proposed Article 7 and 22 as a package due to the many connected elements of both articles:
    • Article 7 - Hours
      • A 7-hour work day for teachers with instructional day embedded to include teacher collaboration time and student supervision
      • Language to recognize TK-5 and 6-8 programs after middle school conversions
      • Reduction of additional required time from 37 hours to 30 hours (including recognition of time spent on IEPs for Special Education teachers)
      • Teachers communicating grades to families on district approved platforms every 2 weeks
      • Agreement on Site Liaison language
      • Agreed to administrators attempting to balance by period the number of teachers assigned to a preparation period
      • Back to School Night clarification
      • Open House and Secondary Registration Night clarifications
      • Increase preparation time moving to a weekly allocation of preparation time TK-K
      • Increase preparation time moving to a uniform weekly allocation of preparation time 1st-5th
    • Article 22 - Calendar
      • Staff work year begins with a workday, two staff development days, and staff meeting
      • Proposed the Grading/Professional Development Day in October and January
      • Family conference days uniformly scheduled across the district
      • Kinder testing days and kinder community building days continue based on a 7-hour day
    • Article 30 - Complaints - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Informal process steps and streamlined process to foster communication and resolution to concerns
    • Formal process consisting of two steps to aid in collaborative and expeditious resolutions
  • Article 41 - COIL - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Workday hours can be altered by mutual agreement between staff and executive director to meet student needs
    • Aligned language to match current practice
  • Article 42 - Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) - FUSD proposed the following:
    • 7-hour workday to align with classroom teachers

FUDTA Proposals Provided - February 23, 2024

  • Counter Proposal - Article 8 - Leaves - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • Agreed to align language to current law
    • FUDTA countered suggesting to keep language that the District believes could create disparities in how employees are granted leave

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for March 1, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • FUDTA Proposals to FUSD:
    • Article 21 - General
  • FUSD Proposals to FUDTA:
    • Article 8 - Leaves
    • Article 9 - Transfers, Reassignments, and Surplusing
    • Article 11 - Working Conditions

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Posted February 21, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 5 - February 21, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on February 21, 2024 for the fifth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

Items presented and/or discussed between the parties (FUDTA and FUSD) included the following:

Tentative Agreements (TA) - February 21, 2024

(All TA’s are subject to future ratification of FUDTA members and FUSD Board of Education)

  • Appendix G - Criteria for Long-Term Substitute Teachers and Temporary Teachers Positions - will be linked in next negotiations update
  • Article 19 - Substitutes - will be linked in next negotiations update

FUSD Proposals Provided - February 21, 2024

  • Article 8 - Leaves - FUSD proposed the following:
    • Remove outdated language and ensure leave provisions are aligned with current Federal and State laws related to leaves.
  • Article 21 - General - FUSD proposed the following: 
    • Ensure compliance with California Education Code.

FUDTA Proposals Provided - February 21, 2024

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for February 23, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • FUDTA Proposals to FUSD:
    • Article 8 - Leaves
    • Article 21 - General
  • FUSD Proposals to FUDTA:
    • Article 1 - Agreement
    • Article 7 - Hours
    • Article 22 - Calendar
    • Article 30 - Complaints
    • Article 41 - COIL
    • Article 42 - Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Posted February 12, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 4 - February 12, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on February 12, 2024 for the fourth session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

Items presented and/or discussed between the parties (FUDTA and FUSD) included the following:

Tentative Agreement - February 12, 2024

FUSD Proposals Provided - February 12, 2024

  • Most Recent Counter Proposal - Article 19 Substitutes - FUSD proposed the following:
    • FUSD did not agree to FUDTA’s proposal to keep language giving FUDTA the right of approval of all training topics for substitute teachers.
    • FUSD proposed language to provide training to substitute teachers in long term assignments.
    • FUDTA provided a counter proposal, see below.
  • Initial Proposal - Article 13 Unit Member Safety and Protection - FUSD proposed the following:
    • FUSD proposed language to align this article with Education Code and current practice

FUDTA Proposals Provided - February 12, 2024

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for February 21, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • Continued discussion of open articles which FUSD and FUDTA have sunshined.

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Posted February 7, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 3 - February 7, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on February 7, 2024 for the third session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

Items presented and/or discussed between the parties (FUDTA and FUSD) included the following:

  • FUSD presented an updated overview of the current estimated costs calculated by FUSD related to FUDTA’s set of initial proposals. Summary points of this discussion included the following:
    • An updated summary of FUSD estimated costs of FUDTA’s proposals can be viewed here.
    • Cost estimates were changed based on additional calculations, discussion, and refinement of estimates.
    • Some of these figures remain subject to changes based on completion of additional estimates for proposals on secondary class size, proposals related to FUSD contribution to health care premiums, and remaining staffing/caseload proposals for some Special Education positions, such as Speech and Language Pathologists.
    • The updated estimated cost summary, over a three-year period, is projected at $168,588.833.
  • FUDTA Estimated Costs Summary - Discussion
    • FUDTA did not present FUSD with a summary of its cost estimates related to the scope of its proposals at this session. FUDTA noted that it will continue to work on cost estimates of its proposals.
  • Subcommittee Work - Discussion
    • The parties discussed the possibility of using a subcommittee, inclusive of representatives from each respective bargaining team, to collaborate specifically on Article 22 Calendar, and Article 10 Evaluations.
    • Parties did not reach agreement regarding a subcommittee process. FUDTA shared that it already surveyed unit members and made proposals accordingly. The FUDTA negotiations team advised that they prefer to further the work on these articles via the exchange of written proposals.

FUSD Proposals Provided - February 7, 2024

  • Most Recent Counter Proposal - Article 19 Substitutes - FUSD proposed the following:
    • FUSD agreed to FUDTA’s proposed language related to training for newly hired substitute teachers.
    • FUSD agreed to FUDTA’s proposed language regarding not removing substitute teachers from an assignment for the purpose of denying a contract.
    • FUSD did not agree to FUDTA’s proposal regarding training for existing substitute teachers.
    • FUSD did not agree to FUDTA’s proposal to keep language giving FUDTA the right of approval of all training topics for substitute teachers.
    • FUDTA presented a counter proposal on this article, which is outlined below.
  • Initial Proposal - Article 37 Multiculturalism - FUSD proposed the following:
    • FUSD proposed to eliminate Article 37 as the goal of the article is met and surpassed by existing Board Policy, Administrative Regulations, California Education Code, California Law, and Federal Law.
  • Initial Proposal - Article 9 Transfers, Reassignments, and Surplussing - FUSD proposed the following:
    • FUSD proposed language that aligns with Ed Code and allows transfers to happen within a given time window each year with the goal of stabilizing staffing near the start of a school year.

FUDTA Proposals Provided - February 7, 2024

  • Counter Proposal - Article 16 Temporary Unit Members - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • FUSD and FUDTA continued to work on Article 16. FUSD and FUDTA have reached conceptual agreements on the language contained within this article.
  • Most Recent Counter Proposal - Article 19 Substitutes - FUDTA proposed the following:
    • FUDTA’s proposal added back language regarding training for existing substitute teachers and proposed keeping language giving FUDTA the right to approval of all training.

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for February 12, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • Continued discussion of open articles which FUSD and FUDTA have sunshined.

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Kari Weber, Teacher, Niles Elementary School

Posted February 2, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 2 - February 2, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on February 2, 2024 for the second session of negotiations related to a successor agreement.

Items Presented and/or Discussed Between the Parties (FUDTA and FUSD)

Items presented and/or discussed between the parties (FUDTA and FUSD) included the following:

  • FUSD presented an overview of the current fiscal picture for FUSD and estimated costs of the FUDTA proposals received on January 29, 2024, which included:
    • Review and discussion of current fiscal conditions for FUSD and projected fiscal picture. The presentation can be found here. 
    • Review and discussion of FUSD’s initial cost estimates related to FUDTA’s proposals. These figures are initial estimates and are subject to change based on further discussion and/or refinement.
    • The initial estimated cost summary, over a three-year period, is projected at $179,250,241. There are six remaining articles for which FUSD is calculating estimates. These figures are initial estimates and are subject to change based on further discussion and/or refinement of the estimates provided in this table.
  • Article 30 Complaints - Discussion
    • FUSD and FUDTA engaged in dialogue and shared various perspectives related to Article 30.
    • FUSD will make an initial proposal related to Article 30 in a future negotiations session.

FUSD Proposals Provided - February 2, 2024

Counter Proposal - Article 19 Substitutes - FUSD proposed the following:

  • Agreed to FUDTA’s proposed language to provide district email accounts and access to online materials.
  • Flexibility in training for newly hired substitute teachers, including FUSD setting content of training.
  • FUDTA provided a counter proposal on this article, see below.

FUDTA Proposals Provided - February 2, 2024

Counter Proposal - Article 19, Substitutes - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Newly employed substitutes are provided with a paid new hire orientation meeting, and are entitled to be paid for six (6) hours of professional development that may include a combination of in-person and/or virtual options.
  • Each subsequent school year of employment a substitute teacher shall be entitled to attend an additional three (3) hours of paid training.
  • FUDTA shall have the right of approval of all content for the in-service day professional development.
  • FUSD shall not remove a substitute from a substitute assignment for the purpose of denying long term pay or for the purpose of denying a temporary contract.
  • If awarded a temporary contract, after serving as long term sub, a substitute shall receive the difference between long term pay for the duration of the particular assignment and the regular substitute pay.

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains fiscally solvent.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for February 7, 2024 and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • Continue to review current and projected FUSD financial picture and FUSD cost estimates for FUDTA proposals
  • Review FUDTA cost estimates of its proposals.
  • Review potential subcommittee work around Article 22 Calendar and Article 10 Evaluations.
  • FUSD and FUDTA anticipate reviewing additional proposals and counter proposals.

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Teri Sorensen, Counselor, American High School (Negotiation team guest)
  • Ray Santos, Program Specialist, District Office (Negotiation team guest)

Posted January 29, 2024

Negotiations Update - FUSD/FUDTA - Session 1 - January 29, 2024

The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) negotiations team and the Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) negotiations team met on January 29, 2024 to negotiate a successor agreement.

In our first session, the teams worked to establish norms and review processes for this year’s negotiations. The parties already shared publicly their respective sunshine documents at the January 17, 2024 FUSD Board of Education meeting. “Sunshine” documents are a required element of the laws for collective bargaining where each party must declare publicly the scope of what will be negotiated.

FUDTA provided FUSD with fifteen (15) formal written proposals, one for each article FUDTA opened. FUSD provided two (2) written proposals to FUDTA. FUSD will provide more of its initial proposals at the next scheduled session on February 2, 2024, along with a summary of estimated costs related to FUDTA’s proposals.

Key aspects of the proposals are outlined for reference only, and may not cover all details of the scope of changes proposed. For further detail, please see each proposal exchanged with the hyperlinks included below:

FUDTA Proposals Provided to FUSD - January 29, 2024

Article 1 Agreement - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • 3-year agreement, 2024-2027
  • Removing requirement for majority threshold of total unit members at a site when voting to alter the workday of more than two consecutive days

Article 7 Hours - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Changing work hours for State Preschool Teachers, from 4 hours to 5 hours.
  • Incorporating language from existing Extended Day Kindergarten MOU’s into the contract
  • Alterations to schedules such as those related to the length of the instructional day, lunch period, and/or preparation periods, Additional Required Time (37 hours), Back to School Night as well as Open House dates and times shall be established by a majority agreement of the unit members that have voted at the site, not the total number of unit members assigned to the site
  • Add Club Advisors and Site Liaison to the list of duties that count towards Additional Required Time (37 hours)
  • Kindergarten teachers to be credited with assigned Adjunct Duty time (10 minutes) for any supervision duties completed with their own students after the instructional minutes for Kindergarten
  • Any loss of preparation time to be compensated at the unit members per-diem rate, not the existing hourly rate

Article 8 Leaves - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • The first 20 (twenty) days of Parental Leave shall be paid by the district at the member’s per diem rate.

Article 11 Working Conditions - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Incorporating language from existing Extended Day Kindergarten MOU into the contract
  • Add language to address “designated parking areas” in addition to or in place of parking lots on FUSD property when a parking lot is full or unavailable in regards to recouping damages to a unit members vehicle
  • Provide each unit member, with a working computer, email address, access to appropriate online curriculum resources, and a working document camera and projector

Article 12 Class Size - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Elementary Class Size Maximums
    • TK-2nd = 24
    • 3rd-5th = 26
  • Combination classes and English Language Development (ELD) maximums:
    • K-2nd = 24
    • 3rd-5th = 26
  • FUSD makes every effort to provide each unit member in a kindergarten class with assistance from an instructional paraeducator for at least one (1) hour daily.
  • A general education member in a grade K- 5 combination class will have assistance from an instructional paraeducator for at least two (2) hours daily, currently in place for grades K-3.
  • Secondary Class Size Maximums as follows:
    • P.E. and Music performance 40
    • Core classes (English, Social Science, Math, Science) 31
    • All other classes 33
    • Bilingual, Sheltered, English as Second Language (ESL) 29
    • Immersion 29
    • English Language Development (ELD) 24
    • ELD core English class size
      • ELD Level 1 - 12
      • ELD Level 2 - 16
      • ELD Level 3 - 20
  • If class size maximums are exceeded, unit member(s) would receive compensation of $200 per month per student, not to exceed the class size maximums plus three (3) students. A unit member who works with these extra students on a part-time basis will receive a pro-rata payment in addition to the amount paid to the classroom teacher.
  • Special Education Class Size Maximums:
    • Mild to Moderate and Moderate (to include Pre-School inclusion when available):
      • Pre-School-Grade 5: 8-10
      • Grades 6-12: 10-12
    • Special Day Class: Moderate to Severe, Intensive Instruction
      • Pre-School-TK: 8
      • Grades K-5: 6-8
      • Grades 6-12: 6-10
  • Secondary School Counselor Ratio: 1:250 students
  • Minimum of 1 school counselor at each elementary school site
  • School psychologists ratio: 1:500 students
  • Speech and Language Pathologist caseload maximum of fifty-five (55) students; take into consideration an analysis of all requirements unit members are responsible for.

Article 19 Substitutes - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Provide all substitutes with District email address, and access to online materials necessary to teach assignments to students based on lesson plans provided by teachers
  • An additional one (1) paid in-service day at the beginning of the second semester for newly employed substitutes, or those not able to attend in service day at beginning of the first semester

Article 22 School Calendar - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Teachers of grades 9-12 would not participate in the 12 set hours (2 workdays) established for family conferences.
  • Slight alterations to when teacher workdays and professional development days take place.
  • Incorporation of language from the Extended Day Kindergarten MOU.
  • Ensure that the last workday for unit members is not a Monday and adjust start and end dates for the school year accordingly

Article 23 Fringe Benefits - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • 2024-25: The district will pay the first $1,000 of every premium paid through the district beyond the employer contribution
  • 2025-26: The district will pay the first $1,500 of every premium paid through the district beyond the employer contribution
  • 2026-27 and beyond: The district will pay the first $2,000 of every premium paid through the district beyond the employer contribution
  • Dental Insurance - the district will pay the entire premium, prorated on full-time employment status, for the unit member’s dental plan

Article 24 Salaries - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Effective July 1, 2024 - 6% ongoing salary increase for all unit members, including all Appendices (A-E)
  • Effective July 1, 2025 - 6% ongoing salary increase for all unit members, including all Appendices (A-E)
  • Effective July 1, 2026 - 5% ongoing salary increase for all unit members, including all Appendices (A-E)
  • Secondary Teachers who teach an additional section above their 1.0 FTE assignment shall be compensated as a 1.33 FTE

Article 36 Special Education - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Additional hours above and beyond the established workday were previously paid at the established hourly rate, FUDTA proposes additional hours to be  paid at a unit members per-diem rate
  • School Psychologist ratio: 1:500 Students
  • Reduce the school psychologist and program specialist workday by 30 minutes and align CBA language with that of other unit members.
  • If a paraprofessional is absent or the position is not filled, unit member(s) directly impacted will be compensated at their per diem rate for performing any required extra duties
  • A speech therapist familiar with assistive technology may substitute for an assistive technology specialist. A program specialist or other specialist who has been trained on program specialist work may substitute for a program specialist and be paid at the program specialist rate and get paid for additional extra hours for their own rate if they are not provided a substitute.

Article 38 Counselors - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Proposals related to voting for elementary and secondary counselor department chairs where counselor department chairs would be split up by elementary and secondary in addition to by attendance area. Stipend for elementary counselor chair, annual 6% stipend
  • Reduce the counselor workday by 30 minutes (2.5 hours per week) and align CBA language with that of other unit members.
  • The district shall provide a substitute for unfilled positions. The district shall maintain a substitute list for FUSD counselors and the district shall find a substitute for a counselor who is absent. When a counselor will be on leave for two (2) weeks or more, a counselor substitute will be hired after the first week.

Article 39 Pre-school - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • A new hourly salary schedule that provides increases based on number of years of service
  • Incorporate previously agreed to language from established MOU’s

Article 40 Nurses - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • FUSD shall maintain 20 FTE for nurses, an increase from the current 15

Article 41 Center of Independent Learning (COIL) - FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Improve clarity of language to match current interpretation and implementation of this Article

Appendix E -  FUDTA proposed the following:

  • Align stipends for individuals in their first year of a stipend position to those for individuals in their second consecutive year and beyond thus removing column A
  • Increase stipends for cheerleading to be equivalent with those of other sports
  • Eliminate varsity gymnastics stipend
  • Add JV water polo stipend
  • Increase stipends for activity director and athletic director

FUSD Proposals Provided to FUDTA - January 29, 2024

Appendix G Criteria for Long-Term Substitute Teachers and Temporary Teachers Positions (established in 1996) - FUSD proposed the following:

  • Elimination of this appendix, which defines temporary teachers and long-term substitutes in a manner that is not in accordance with California Education Code.

Article 16 Temporary Unit Members - FUSD proposed the following:

  • Place temporary unit members on the salary schedule in accordance with Education Code and other Articles of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • Eliminate the section providing rehire rights to temporary unit members that are only given to probationary members per Education Code.
  • Align language regarding the filling of vacancies to align with Article 9 and Education Code.

Next Steps

FUSD remains committed to working with FUDTA on a successor agreement that supports students and FUDTA members while ensuring that the District remains on solid financial footing.

The next negotiations session is scheduled for Friday, February 2, and the draft agenda includes the following:

  • Review current and projected FUSD financial picture
  • Discussion related to Article 30 and Article 37
  • FUSD anticipates reviewing some of its own initial proposals with FUDTA and further discussing the content and fiscal implications of the FUDTA proposals already received.

Negotiations Teams for FUSD and FUDTA

Fremont Unified School District Fremont Unified District Teachers Association
  • Daniel Hillman, Associate Superintendent Business Services
  • Zachary Kahn, Director, Certificated Personnel
  • Zack Larsen, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
  • Robert Moran, Principal, Washington High School
  • Leticia Salinas, Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services
  • Robin Sehrt, Director, Elementary Education
  • Sherea Westra, Principal, Mattos Elementary School
  • Tara Carey, FUDTA Executive Director
  • Theresa Harris, Teacher, Brookvale Elementary School
  • Hugh Kinnear, Teacher, Centerville Middle School
  • Elizabeth Long, Bargaining Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Lane Melcic, Teacher, Mission San Jose High School
  • Teri Sorensen, Counselor, American High School (Negotiation team guest)
  • Ray Santos, Program Specialist, District Office (Negotiation team guest)
Negotiations Update