Portrait of a Fremont Graduate

Presented to the Board of Education on 2/13/19, presentation in agenda.

Board adopted the visual representation as an emblem. (suggested modifications incorporated)

FINAL - English/español/中文 (pdf)

Original Overview

English | español | 中文

In the fall of 2018, a series of meetings will be conducted with stakeholders to create “Portrait of a Fremont Graduate”. By collaborating with parents, community members, students, staff, and other city partners, FUSD can strive toward a common vision and unite under a common mission. The outcome of these engagement sessions will be to create a visual and/or roadmap of a well-rounded FUSD graduate with the qualities, experiences, character, skills, and knowledge they should attain along the way.

District-wide initiative (Video) and Superintendent's Message (Video)

As of 2/14/19 on Step 8 and 9 - Formalize & Publicize the Portrait and Align District resources, budget, staffing, and strategic plans to portrait components - Look for “Gaps & Opportunities” in the key values represented in the Portrait for implementation in 2019-20

portrait of a fremont graduate