English Language Development (ELD)

Sherri Hamilton  shamilton@fusdk12.net

Dear Parents,
You are receiving this letter because your child is on our district’s list for being an English language learner. My name is Sherri Hamilton and I am the ELD Specialist at Oliveira Elementary.  I support the learning and instruction for our English learners.  I will be working with your child this year to support their English language acquisition. All students who are English learners receive ELD instruction from  a classroom teacher. Some students qualify to receive extra support from myself.  The decision of who receives extra support is based on ELPAC scores and teacher input.

What is an ELD Specialist?
A teacher at a school site whose duty is to support English learners ELD specialist has expertise in working with English learners Serves as advocate for English learners

California’s English Learners (ELs) need instructional support in developing proficiency in English language and literacy as they engage in learning academic content based on these new, rigorous standards. ELs face an additional challenge in developing literacy in English since they must develop oral proficiency in English—including depth and breadth of vocabulary—at the same time that they are learning to read and write.

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is responsible for enforcing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin. In Lau v. Nichols, the U.S. The Supreme Court affirmed the Department of Education's May 25, 1970, Memorandum, that directed school districts to take steps to help ELL students overcome language barriers and to ensure that they can participate meaningfully in the districts' educational programs.

What this means for your child
Your child will be coming to my English language class 4 or more times per week depending upon their English language proficiency. They will not be pulled from their core English or Math classes. I have worked with your child’s teacher to find the best time for them to attend my class. We will work on reading, writing, and speaking fluently in English during class time. Although I will not give any homework, your child may be asked to practice what we have worked on to help them advance their skills. Please encourage your child to share their learning with you! I hope this helps all of you understand that I am here to support the excellent learning of your children and look forward to working with all of you this school year.


Sherri Hamilton
ELD Specialist
Oliveira Elementary
(510) 797-1135 ext 54016
Website:  https://sites.google.com/fusdk12.net/mrshamiltonseldclass/home

ELD Class website