Ollie’s Green Garden

Are you interested in making a difference at Oliveira?  

Looking for a way for your children to get outside AND gain a sense of pride in knowing they helped Ollie’s Green Garden grow?

Contact Oliveira's Science Specialist  Dr. Elisabeth Eklou-Boccovi     eeklouboccovi@fusdk12.net

Thank you Elisabeth Eklou-Boccovi for all of the work you continue to do in maintaining our school garden. Centerville Presbyterian Church/Food Kitchen is thankful for our donations--see the photos on the Photo page. Many thanks to the Montano family for helping transport and offload supersoil for the garden --Mrs. Anderson, April 2021


History: Ollie's Green Garden was founded in the spring of 2017. A small committee of parents, staff and high school students has created an outdoor learning space at the back of the campus.

Sow  Weed  Water  Wait