Nutrition and Birthday Celebrations

no cupcakesParkmont Elementary Nutrition Policy

Birthdays/Special Occasions - No food or treats at school please!

Please plan to celebrate your child’s birthday with treats or food at home. Parkmont Elementary School does not allow food or treats to be brought into the school setting for birthday recognitions or special celebrations. Many of our students have severe food allergies and cannot eat a variety of foods which contain, but are not limited to, wheat, peanuts, eggs, milk, soy, or fish. Diabetic students are also on a strict diet as well. If you wish to have your child’s birthday acknowledged, please contact your child’s teacher to facilitate some type of recognition that does not involve food or edibles. Treat bags, pencils, stickers, erasers, a ball donated to the classroom etc are well received by students. We have included a list of acceptable items to be brought to school or that allows students to participate in if celebrations do take place during school hours. (See list below)

We will be unable to accommodate your requests to pass out treats, balloons, invitations or presents. Throughout the school year, teachers may elect to use food type products to teach specific lessons in the classroom. Those supplies will only be brought into the school by the teaching staff in order to monitor those ingredients used during instructional time. Those instructional activities that involve food such as STEM projects etc, will not be consumed by students.  The only food that will be consumed by students during the day is food retrieved by students from the cafeteria or food they have brought from home for brunch and lunch.

Note:  Parkmont participates in the FUSD before school breakfast program this year.

Thank you for understanding our new policy for the school year.  Our policy helps to keep ALL of our kids safe!



• Trips to a treasure box filled with nonfood items, such as stickers, play tattoos, bubbles, jump ropes, puzzles, key chains, yo-yos, spider rings, charms, trading cards, pencil toppers, etc.

• Play favorite game

• Extra recess

• Make special deliveries to the office

• Sit by friends or in a special seat near the teacher’s desk

• Help teach class

• Eat lunch with the teacher or principal

• School supplies

• Paperback book

• Read or have class outdoors

• “No homework” pass

• Listen to an audio book/watch a video

• Extra art time

• Play a computer game

• Read to a younger class

• Listen to music

• Eat lunch outdoors with the class

• Be a helper in another classroom

• Select a book for the teacher to read to class

• Recognizing the child’s achievement in the school newsletter

• Be featured on a photo recognition board in a prominent location in the school

• A phone call, email or letter sent home to parents or guardians commending a child’s accomplishment

• First in line

• A field trip

• Pat on the back

• Decorate the child’s chair

• Read morning announcements

• Get “free choice” time at the end of the day

• Dance to favorite music in the classroom