Counseling Programs & Services

The goal for your school counselors is to support students with any academic, career, personal, social, and emotional concerns. With this said, there are a variety of ways the counseling department is able to achieve this by.

Individual Counseling: Students meet with the counselor one-on-one to discuss any concern that is occurring.  While students can always refer themselves, counselors may also get referrals from parents, teachers, peers, and other staff members. Counselors may also refer students for services outside of school depending on the need.

Group Counseling: Support groups are facilitated by the counseling department. Topics such as self-esteem/confidence, divorce/separation, grief, anxiety/depression, and even academic organization/ study skills are some of the groups that are created throughout the year. These groups may meet once, twice, or even monthly. Again, referrals are made by students, parents, teachers and other staff members.

Presentations: Counselors love to be able to interact with students. Delivering classroom presentations is another way they interact with them. Presentations such as Bullying Prevention, College and Career, and Second Step social-emotional lessons are some of the topics the counselors facilitate.

School Counselors provide a safe and supportive place for students. The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) requires that meetings with a counselor remain confidential, meaning the conversation is private and stays in the counselor’s office unless:
  • the student reports that they are hurting themselves or want to hurt themselves
  • the student reports someone else is hurting them or has threatened to hurt themselves
  • the student reports that they are going to cause harm to another person

Under these circumstances, School Counselors make the professional decision to contact others including the appropriate authorities to have it addressed in a safe and appropriate manner.

Academic Counseling
Counselors support students by monitoring grades, creating goals, assisting with short-term plans through our Student Study Teams (SST), referring students to interventions, setting up conferences with students, parents, and teachers, evaluating student records for proper placement,  checking promotion status, providing tools and guidance for study skills, organization, and time management.

Personal/ Social-Emotional Counseling
Counselors provide individual student check-ins, facilitate group counseling meetings, complete appropriate referrals for outside therapy, and deliver social-emotional lessons.

College and Career 
Counselors expose students to college and career exploration though a variety of activities and presentations, create six year plans, promote college-related programs and events, and provide higher education information.