11/1 Fire Alarm at Warm Springs: All Students & Staff Safe

Today at approximately 10:19am, our fire alarm sounded and students and staff evacuated classrooms and offices. 

All students and staff are safe. 

The Fremont Fire Department (FFD) quickly responded to our campus, and within approximately 20 minutes, most students and staff returned to normal operations and schedules, though some classes were temporarily relocated while the cause of the alarm was determined by FFD and District staff.

We have determined that a heater burning dust was the source of smoke that set off the alarm. Our Maintenance, Operations and Grounds staff are cleaning the area, checking air filters, and will take any other steps needed to address this situation. 

The smell of smoke remains in the gym area, and we will have outdoor lunch today while that area is cleaned and aired out. 

The safety of our staff and students is our top priority, and I thank FFD for its response, and our students and staff for their responsible actions in this situation. 

Thank you for your partnership in keeping our students, staff, and community safe.


Robin Sehrt
Director of Elementary Education

Director Sehrt is supporting Warm Springs Elementary today in the absence of Principal Scott Iwata.

alert green