Policies & Handbook

Warm Springs Nondiscrimination Policy

It is the policy of Warm Springs to provide a school and work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. Schools will provide a positive learning environment which promotes respect for all students and staff of the school community.
In accordance with this policy, Warm Springs will not tolerate discrimination in any form, nor will it tolerate behavior by students or staff that harasses insults, degrades, or stereotypes any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, marital status, age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation.
(BP/AR 0202)

Warm Springs Handbook 2024-2025

Child Nutrition (School Lunch) Policies and Information

Also see: FUSD Parent-Student Handbook
WS Parking Map Instructions.pdf (PDF)

WS Food Policy.pdf (PDF)


It is imperative that your student attends school daily. Lost classroom time is difficult to replace.
However, if you find that you need an extended absence during the school year, you have the option to request an Independent Study Contract (ISC). The contract prevents your child from falling behind and gives him or her attendance credit. Parents must submit the written ISC Request Form to the school office at least 10 school days prior to the absence. Contracts will not be issued on the first 20 days, the last 20 days of the school year or during state testing time. For more information regarding Independent Study Contracts, please refer to the Parent/Guardian & Student Handbook and Notice of Rights & Responsibilities

Pay for School Materials