Budget Frequently Asked Questions

Budget Balancing for the 2025-26 School Year

California is expecting a revenue shortfall of approximately $37-39 billion in the fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2024; all public agencies that receive state funding – including school districts – are preparing for fiscal challenges.

FUSD is able to maintain its current programs and staffing in the upcoming school year (2024-25), thanks to the good stewardship of our financial resources, spending down our ending fund balance, and use of expiring one-time funding from the state and federal government.

However, FUSD is projecting an approximate $30 million reduction from our operating budget for the 2025-26 school year. FUSD has a successful track record of navigating tough fiscal challenges in public education, and has historically solicited input from the entire community when undertaking a budget balancing process.

Starting in the fall of 2024, FUSD will engage our staff and community in a comprehensive process that provides several opportunities to learn about, discuss, and provide input on a plan to balance the budget for the 2025-2026 school year. We will share more information in the fall about when and how your voice can be included in the process.

Budget Resources & FAQ