Donate: Giving to FUSD

Families, businesses and neighbors are an important part of the FUSD community.

We invite you to invest in our students and the educational goals of the Fremont Unified School District.

Click here to donate to the District, specific schools or programs.

Since 1964, Fremont Unified School District has consistently and successfully responded to the changing needs of students and the Fremont community, providing exceptional opportunities for each student with a strong focus on academic excellence and college eligibility for every student.

Thank you for your generosity.

High and Middle Schools Site Menu >> Students & Community >> Community Connections >> Donate to/Donations
Elementary Schools Site Menu >> Students & Community >> Supplies & Donations
Below is an index of links to Donations by School select General or specify classrooms or programs. If you would like to make a donation to ASB/PTA/PTO please go to their specific website.