DELAC Overview

District English Learner Advisory Committee

DELAC provides a forum for parents/guardians to advise, assist and provide recommendations to District administration and the Board of Education for the continuing improvement of programs, services, and policies for English learners and their families.

DELAC informs parent representatives so they can take the information back to the school site.  Topics that will be addressed this year include: Understanding ELPAC Data, Student Reclassification, ELD Requirements, Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) funding for English learners, LCAP Input, Seal of Biliteracy, English Learner Road map, Categorical Program Monitoring and compliance.

All DELAC meetings are open to the public. The Committee is composed of elected ELAC representatives from each of FUSD schools with 21 or more English Learners.

The DELAC will advise the District Leadership and/or  Board of Trustees on matters pertaining to the EL Master Plan, district wide needs, intervention programs, professional development, and any other language needs pertaining to English learners.

DELAC Committee Guide 


DELAC Elected Members:

Chairperson/President       - Angela Filippi (Durham)

Vice-Chair/Vice President - Ekta Bhargava (Horner)

Secretary                            - 

Alternate                            - 

DELAC Meeting Dates for 2023/2024

All meetings are held virtually from 6:00PM-7:00PM. 

                                 Zoom Link
                    Meeting ID: 837 3494 0153
                           Passcode: 956058

                         Translation is provided.


October 23, 2023

December 4, 2023

February 12, 2024

May 13, 2024