Teacher Induction Program

Reflect Support Grow sapling into strong maple treeThe purpose of the FUSD Teacher Induction Program is to offer general education and special education teachers who hold a Preliminary Multiple Subjects, Preliminary Single Subject, or Preliminary Education Specialist Credentials the opportunity to fulfill the requirements for the California Clear Credential.

Individualized support and assistance is provided to new teachers through the services of a knowledgeable mentor. The goal of this support is to improve the educational performance of students and to enable the new teacher to be effective in teaching students who are culturally, linguistically, socio-economically, and academically diverse. FUSD Teacher Induction is dedicated in helping new teachers improve their teaching and establish a commitment to continuous self-improvement.

Application Procedures

At the time of hire, the district HR Credential Analyst will have you complete an Induction Admission Application if you have a preliminary teaching credential. A thorough evaluation of your credential status will be completed by the Credential Analyst and the Induction Specialist. If you are eligible for the FUSD Teacher Induction Program, you will be contacted by Induction Program staff to complete the enrollment process. Upon enrollment, you will be given information on how to complete the program Orientation. Additionally, Induction staff and/or your site administrator will notify you of the name of your Induction Mentor. This Mentor match will be made within 30 days of enrollment in the FUSD Teacher Induction Program.

Two-year Program Completion Requirements

2024-2025 FUSD Teacher Induction Program Handbook

Program Information

Phone: (510) 659-2527

Room: 250
Fax: (510) 659-2532

Jenna "Jenn" Kelley
Induction Specialist
Ext. 12319