School Preparedness: Dangerous Intruder

Be Informed

  • If you see something, say something to an authority right away
  • Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers

Make a plan

  • Make a plan with your class and co-workers, and ensure everyone knows what they would do
  • Look for the two nearest exits anywhere you go, and have an escape path in mind & identify places you could hide

During Intruder Event

(NOTE: these actions are not always in order)

RUN and escape, if possible

HIDE, if escape is not possible

FIGHT as last resort

After Event

  • Keep hands visible and empty
  • Follow law enforcement instructions and evacuate in the direction they come from

Notes: Practice taking action. Remember "RUN, HIDE, FIGHT" may not be in that exact order - you may need to immediately FIGHT. Violence is appropriate to defend yourself in this type of extreme intruder situation.

Info Sheet from FEMA (pdf)
Fremont Police School Resource Officers
Also use info from Comprehensive School Safety Plan - CSSP

Content based in part on

Stay Calm: approach any emergency logically (not emotionally) – rehearse calming techniques like breathing in slowly or counting to 10 to focus before action – mindfulness and controlling your fear will save lives. Try not to freeze during a high stress situation.