Developer Fees FAQ

The Board of Education has approved an increase in the Level 1 developer fees. The new fees are effective May 26, 2024. The new residential rate is $5.17 (level 1) per square foot of residential development and the new commercial rate is $0.84 per square foot of commercial development.

Where do I pay my developer fees?
The district office will process developer fees in-person and via email. We will process fee payments and the corresponding Certificate of Compliance as follows:

Step 1. Please provide in-person or via email a copy of your Certificate of Compliance issued by the City of Fremont Development Services to Kathy Moyer at Section I and Section II must be completed and signed by the owner/developer and City of Fremont, respectively. Be sure to email both pages of the Certificate.

Step 2. Accounting staff will verify the permit number, status, and confirm the amount due in-person or via email.

Step 3. Fee payment can be submitted in-person or mailed to Fremont Unified School District (Attention: Accounting Department, 4210 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538):

  • checks must be made payable to Fremont Unified School District or FUSD in the amount confirmed by the Accounting Staff

Step 4. Accounting Staff will process fee payment, certify the Certificate of Compliance, issue a payment receipt, and return a copy of the documents to you in-person or to the email address noted on the Certificate of Compliance provided by you. You will be required to submit a copy of the certified Certificate of Compliance to the City of Fremont for final issuance of your permit. Please note that the Date of Payment will be the date the check is processed by FUSD.

With possible delays in mail service to the district office, please allow for a minimum of 2 weeks for FUSD to complete the processing of Developer/School Impact Fee payments and return of documents.

Please email Kathy Moyer at if you have questions.

Fee Justification Study (pdf 3/27/24)



  1. What do I need to bring with me at the time of payment?
    a) A completed Certificate of Compliance provided by the City of Fremont’s Community Development Department ↗(CDD). Section I is completed by the Owner/Developer, Section II is completed and signed by the City of Fremont’s Representative, and Section III is completed by Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) staff at the time of payment.
    b) A check payable to Fremont Unified School District.
  2. Can payments be made with a credit card?
    No. Payments cannot be made with a credit card. FUSD accepts checks ONLY.
  3. Who determines the square footage of a project?
    Square footage (scope of project) is determined by the City of Fremont’s CDD based on calculation of assessable space and/or chargeable covered and enclosed space.
  4. What constitutes assessable space and/or chargeable covered and enclosed space?
    a) For residential - Assessable space is all of the square footage within the perimeter of a residential structure, not including any carport, covered or uncovered walkway, garage, overhang, patio, enclosed patio, detached accessory structure, or similar area. Assessable space includes the square footage of enclosed walkways, such as hallways inside the perimeter of a residential structure.
    b) For commercial/industrial - Chargeable Covered and Enclosed Space is Square footage of the covered and enclosed space determined to be within the perimeter of a commercial or industrial structure, not including any storage areas incidental to the principal use of the construction, garage, parking structure, unenclosed walkway, or utility or disposal area.
  5. How is the developer fee owed to FUSD calculated?
    The developer fee owed to FUSD is calculated at the current rate in effect at the time an owner/developer presents the Certificate of Compliance issued by the City of Fremont’s CDD. Residential additions of 500 sq. ft. or less are exempt from developer fee. For additions greater than 500 sq. ft., fees are calculated for the entire square footage of the addition.
  6. How often do rates change and how are the rates determined?
    FUSD evaluates its fee rates as required by relevant law, and a qualified fee consultant prepares the appropriate nexus study to justify FUSD’s fee rates.  The evaluation is conducted in compliance with statutory parameters, and the nexus study justifying the fee rates are prepared by the fee consultant, shared with the public, and adopted by the governing board pursuant to relevant statutory requirements.
  7. Does the Certificate of Compliance have an expiration date?
    The Certificate of Compliance expires six (6) months from the date of issuance which is the date when the District receives payment. An owner/developer has six (6) months from the date of issuance to acquire a building permit from the City of Fremont’s CDD.
  8. What if the Certificate of Compliance expires?
    If the building permit is not issued prior to the date of expiration of the Certificate of Compliance, Owner/Developer shall take all steps necessary to obtain a new Certificate of Compliance for the project, and shall pay to FUSD the current fees owed, if any, before obtaining the building permit. District shall allow Owner/Developer a credit against the fee adjustment for fees previously paid for the project for which the expired Certificate of Compliance was issued.
  9. Is there a credit for demolished property?
    If the owner/developer provides proof of prior payment of school impact fees on the demolished square footage, fees will be assessed for the difference between new construction and the demolished square footage.
  10. Does FUSD process refunds?
    If a project is cancelled or reduced, FUSD will process refunds upon receiving documented verification from the City of Fremont’s CDD. Refunds are only made to the original payee. Refund checks are mailed directly to the address provided.
  11. Is there a time limit for refunds on Developer/School Impact fees?Yes. Refunds will be processed up to three years after the permit expiration date. California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 338, subdivision (a) provides a three year statute of limitation for commencing an action upon a liability created by statute.
  12. Who do I contact for additional questions?
    Please contact Kathy Moyer at