Earthquake Packets

Emergency Disaster Supply INFORMATION

In order to be prepared for a disaster or emergency situation, Glankler School must replenish disaster supplies every year. Part of our disaster preparedness plan is to have emergency food supplies for all of our students.

Please fill this bag with your child's favorite grocery-sealed, non-perishable snacks (no parent prepared bags of food, please). The food will be used in case of an emergency in which students may need to remain at school beyond normal operating hours.

Snacks may include the following items:

  • Cereal/granola bars
  • Dried fruit/fruit rolls/fruit snacks
  • Trail Mix/nuts
  • Peanut butter/cheese crackers

Please DO NOT send drinks. Using funds from our GSPA, we will purchase water and other supplies to replenish our emergency supply reserves. We request that you make a voluntary contribution to help defray our costs. The suggested donation is $5, but any amount is appreciated.

Please return the bag provided with 5-6 snacks as soon as possible. We must have all supplies in place in the event of a disaster. Thank you for your cooperation and generosity.