Kennedy High School's ATP/CEEB CODE is 050966


Each school district with grades nine through twelve is required annually to inform parents or guardians of the following information.


Prescribed Courses FUSD Graduation Req. University of California California State University
    Entrance Requirements* Entrance Requirements*
Social Science  30 units 20 units 20 Units
  World History World History World History
  US History US History US History
  Government/Econ Government Government
English  40 units 40 units 40 units
Mathematics 30 units 30 units  30 units
    (40 units recommended) (40 units recommended)
  Must include Alg 1 Must be on the a-g list Must be on the a-g list
Science 20 units 20 units 20 units
    (30 Units recommended)  
  Physical Science Biology Biology
  Life Science Chemistry Chemistry
    Physics Physics
World Language 10 units 20 units 20 units
  May be Visual & Perform- (30 units recommended)  
  ing Arts OR World Language    
Visual & Performing 10 units 10 units 10 units
Arts May be World Language Must be on the a-g list Must be on the a-g list
  OR Visual & Performing Arts    
Electives 70 units 10 units 10 units
    Must be on the a-g list Must be on the a-g list.
Physical Education 20 units NA NA
Health 5 units NA NA
Computer 5 units NA NA
TOTAL 230 units 150 units 150 units
Exams Required CAHSEE ACT or SAT ACT or SAT
Service Learning Hours 40 hours**  NA NA
  (10 hours for every year the    
  student has attended an FUSD high school.)    

*Four (4) - year colleges (UC and CSU) require a minimum grade of "C" or better to meet the above entrance requirements.

**This requirement has been waived for the class of 2021 due to COVID 19.  

To view the a-g list for the 2017-2018 through 2019-2020 school years, choose the a-g list in the grey column on the left.  To view the a-g list for previous years click here.

At least 70 units of the 150 credits shown above must be taken in 11th and 12th grades.

Possible credits earned at John F Kennedy High School:

   8 Courses per year=80 Possible Credits/Year

   80 Possible Credits x 4 Years = 320 Possible Credits


~ Check the University of California, California State University, and California Community College websites for additional information:

University of California

California State Universities

California Community Colleges


 ~ Career Technical Education (CTE) - CTE is a program of study that involves a multi-year sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to post secondary education and careers.  Career technical education engages all students in a dynamic and seamless learning experience resulting in their mastery of the career and academic knowledge and skills necessary to become productive, contributing members of society.  


Mission Valley Regional Occupational Program (MVROP) is our partner in career technical education.  Click here to visit the MVROP Website.


To visit the California Department of Education's CTE site click here.


Information about choosing courses that Kennedy High School offers to meet college admission requirements or enroll in CTE can be found by meeting with the student's counselor:

Tifni O'Neill               A-E, 9-12th grade         

David Reska              F-Li, 9-12th grade  

Noia Siamu               Ll-Ra, 9-12th grade    

Mimi Vo                     Re-Z, 9-12th grade        

Additional information about college admission exams, CTE, financial aid and scholarships from the Career and College Specialist:

Kris Miller           All students