
Looking for a career?

1.   Look at the Mission Valley ROP site for career and job training opportunities.

2.  Check out career and job descriptions, pay rates, working conditions, etc in the Occupational Outlook Handbook.  Or through Naviance.
3.   Not sure what you want to do?  Complete the Career Interest Profiler under the Careers tab in Naviance.  Once you have completed it you can view the matching occupation list.  Click on one of the listed occupations and you have access to an overview of the position, the knowledge and skills necessary for the job, a complete listing of the tasks and activities that type of job entails, and the wages earned in that position.  It is broken down by state, and then area within the state.

Looking for a job during the school year or the summer?
As I receive job listings I will post them in the window box in front of the library.  I will also announce them in the weekly Coming Up Next newsletter.