
All scholarship postings will be posted in Naviance and in the College & Career Center weekly newsletter. Go to to access your Naviance account.  Your username is the first 3 letters of your first name, followed by the first 3 letters of your last name, followed by the last 3 digits of your ID number, followed by  Your password is self created.  If you have trouble accessing your account contact Ms. Miller at, or see your Counselor. 
Please reference the Financial Aid page on this website for other scholarship information.
This scholarship list below is an historical listing of scholarships offered to students at John F. Kennedy High School in previous years. It is kept as a reference for possible current scholarships.  It is not, however, maintained for current accuracy.  For a current listing of available scholarships go to the Scholarship List on Naviance.  Follow the instructions above to log in to Naviance.